Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Details on the relationship between the CSR issues arising from the materiality matrix and the major sustainability risks arising from the Group’s major risk mapping (1)

The relationship between the CSR issues derived from the materiality matrix and the sustainability risks derived from the Group’s major risk mapping is set out in the introduction to Chapter 3 in the summary of the EDF group’s 16 CSR commitments. Details on performance indicators (KPI)
Commitment to a bold carbon strategy
KPI: Carbon intensity: specific CO2 emissions from electrical generation and heat

The indicator is the ratio of the direct CO2 emissions of electricity and heat generating plants to their related generation. The scope covers the Group. The 2022 value for this indicator is subject to reasonable assurance check by Deloitte & Associés (√). The indicator’s scope covers the Group.

Commitment relating to carbon offsetting solutions
KPI: Deployment rate of the framework guidelines on carbon offsetting solutions

In order to raise the awareness of the entities to the notion of offsetting and to provide them with a framework for their offsetting initiatives and purchases of carbon credits, EDF’s Impact Department finalised a policy application guide on 18  May 2021. The calculation of the indicator is based on the design and deployment of this guide in the entities, and its implementation within the relevant entities. The indicator’s scope covers the Group.

Commitment relating to climate change adaptation
KPI: Deployment rate of new climate change adaptation plans within concerned entities

The calculation of the indicator is linked to the deployment stages of the new climate change adaptation plans. In line with the requirements of the TCFD and the challenge of adapting the Group’s facilities to the risks associated with climate change, EDF reviews its adaptation plans every five years. The indicator is calculated on the basis of the progress of the implementation of the new plans between 2021 and 2022 within the relevant entities. The indicator’s scope covers the Group.

Commitment relating to the development of electricity uses and energy services
KPI: Avoided CO2 emissions thanks to sales of innovative goods and services

In 2022, EDF calculated the emissions saved through the following activities carried out by EDF, Dalkia, Luminus, EDF UK, and Edison: development of renewable energies in heating networks; energy efficiency; photovoltaic production (installations sold to customers and self-consumption, excluding EDF installations injecting their production into the network); electric mobility; and residential heat pumps. The indicator corresponds to the gap in emissions from the product or service sold and emissions in a baseline scenario established for each product or service. This indicator is calculated by including direct and indirect emissions from the life cycle analysis on an annual basis.

Biodiversity commitment
KPI: Achievement rate of “Act4nature international” commitments

EDF has introduced this indicator in 2020, replacing the previous indicator relating to the ecological knowledge of land. This new indicator reflects the Group’s commitments in the Act4nature international system which is a Group-wide initiative.

The objectives are labelled in the external “Act4nature international” scheme, supported by the “Business for Nature” initiative. This indicator is calculated in the form of an achievement rate for the actions undertaken from 2020 to 2022 and extended in 2023. These actions relate to taking biodiversity issues into account in the biomass policy, CO2 emissions, R&D, internal governance, Green Bonds, awareness-raising and training, etc. The indicator’s scope covers the Group.

Responsible land management commitment
KPI: Implementation rate of innovative solutions encouraging multifunctional land use

The introduction of innovative solutions for multi-use of land is based on the commissioning of agrivoltaic projects and/or floating PV projects. The commissioning of the Group’s flagship projects by 2026 at the latest shall signal full deployment. The indicator’s scope covers the Group.

Integrated and sustainable water management commitment
KPI: Water intensity: water consumed/electricity generated by fleet (l/KWh)

The indicator is the ratio of water consumed to the electrical generation of the Group’s fleet. Water consumption for heat generation and other Group activities is not taken into account to calculate the indicator. The indicator’s scope covers the Group. The 2022 value for this indicator is subject to reasonable assurance check by Deloitte & Associés (√).

Commitment relating to radioactive and conventional waste and the circular economy
KPI: Annual rate of conventional waste directed towards a waste recovery industry

The denominator of the indicator corresponds to the total quantity of conventional hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposed of over a one-year period. The tonnages of conventional hazardous and non-hazardous waste corresponding to the reporting period take into account waste: associated with normal activity (normal operating production) or exceptional activity (site, works, construction, dismantling, etc.); generated over a previous period, stored on site since then due to the absence of a suitable treatment channel or pending massification before disposal, but disposed of over the period in question (destocking of waste generated over a previous period). The result of the performance indicator corresponds to the proportion of conventional hazardous and non-hazardous waste directed to a recovery channel compared to the sum of conventional hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposed of. The indicator’s scope covers the Group.

Safety, health and security for all commitment
KPI: Global LTIR (employees and providers)

The Group’s overall Lost Time Incident Rate (LITR) represents the number of work- related accidents (employees and service providers, regardless of the level of subcontracting, including co-contracting and temporary employees) having resulted in one day or more of absence over a 12-month period per million hours worked. The hours worked used for calculating the frequency rate are actual hours corresponding to the hours of “exposure to risks” according to CNAM (French national insurance body). The indicator’s scope covers the Group.

As regards temporary employees and service providers, the accidents are declared by the temporary employment agency and by the service provider’s employer in accordance with applicable local labour regulations. These include accidents that occurred in the course of work performed on behalf of EDF group on its facilities, equipment, sites, networks, etc. Activities conducted by service providers on their own sites, outside EDF group’s facilities, are not taken into account.

(1) See Chapter 2 of this URD.