Universal Registration Document 2022

3.5.4 Transformation drivers

3.5 CSR Governance

3.5.4 Transformation drivers

3.5.4 Transformation drivers Integration of the commitments into the Group’s strategic process and project screening Screening letters and performance reviews

Commitments are implemented and set out in screening letters specifying the contribution of each of the Group’s entities and subsidiaries to achieving the ordinary objective. The system for monitoring these commitments is integrated into the Group’s strategic planning loop. Annual performance reviews allow entities and subsidiaries to monitor and control their actual performance. Investments

Projects and investments subject to the approval of the Group’s various Commitments Committees, and particularly those of the Group Executive Committee (1) (CEGEC) that are the subject of an opinion of the Sustainable Development Department based on a screening grid that translates the issues of the Group’s CSR commitments into operational terms. Where necessary, the Sustainable Development Department organises due diligence investigations specific to these issues. Environmental management system (EMS)

In order to implement the environmental goals and related actions based on its CSR commitments and policy, the EDF group has set up a Group-wide environmental management mechanism using an environmental management system (EMS). This management system is based on EDF’s governance bodies (see chapter  4 “Corporate governance” and section  3.5.2 “CSR governance bodies”), which define the environmental guidelines and performance to be achieved, in line with the expectations of external and internal stakeholders.

In accordance with the requirements of the CSR policy, each of the Group’s entities (2) has put in place an environmental management approach adapted to its own challenges, defining its organisation and the various levels of responsibility and authority associated with it in order to meet its environmental commitments and control its risks by making appropriate resources (human and financial) available.

The EMS is carried out via Group and business processes that allow for certifying to stakeholders that the Group:

  • controls environmental risks and ensures that the EDF group complies with regulations and its commitments: each entity draws up and implements an environmental programme or action plan that takes into account the Group’s commitments concerning it, its significant environmental aspects, and its regulatory obligations, considering its risks and opportunities;
  • improve the efficiency of its organisations in a way that is appropriate to the issues at stake: each entity is responsible for its own internal control, internal and external audits of its EMS, and interfaces with the Group EMS;
  • mandatory sustainability reporting of the environmental activities of the entities: each entity collects and communicates the required environmental information to the Impact Department.

The Impact Department is responsible for the overall coordination of the Group’s EMS and the necessary interfaces with EDF and its subsidiaries through the operational coordination of environmental management, which involves the participation of each entity with significant environmental impacts at the Group level.

This diagram shows the Environmental management system (EMS).

The CSR Strategy Committee is made up of the Group Sustainable Development Committee, which is divided into two sections:

The Operational animation which is composed of the following groups:

  • EDF SA Environment Managing Board (Generation, Engineering, Sales, Island Electric System Department, Purchasing, Services, HR, R&D) Impact Department coordination which is directly linked to the animation and Thematic Groups (biodiversity, waste & circular economy, soils & underground waters, training, regulatory monitoring)
  • Group Companies Governance bodies* (EDF Production Électrique Insulaire, EDF Renouvelables, Dalkia, Framatome, EDF UK, Edison, Luminus, EDF Trading, Enedis…) Impact Department animation which is directly linked to the CSR Working Groups (partnership, Group environmental footprint, carbon trajectory)

These have bilateral directions between the EDF impact department or the entities/subsidiaries.

We also have the implementation of the CSR policy, internal control and reporting which allows the annual management review of the Group EMS which communicates with the Group Sustainable Development Committee.

The strategic foresight which is formed by the following groups:

  • Group companies in France SD Agency and Impact Department coordination which are directly linked with the SD monitoring and lobbying support networks.
  • EDF SA & Group Companies Working groups (biodiversity, climat change, carbon offset, water…)

We also have the stakeholder council which acts independently on the system.

This EMS is ISO 14001 (2015 version) certified by the external certification expert AFNOR. All industrial sites are covered by an EMS, over 80% of which are certified.

In 2022, the results of the certification audits conducted by AFNOR confirm the quality of the leadership, strategies, and policies built in alignment with regional issues and the needs and expectations of stakeholders. The auditors also underlined the effective and rigorous steering of the environmental management systems of the certified entities and subsidiaries and noted an increase in the control of environmental impacts in the business lines, with greater consideration of issues related to CO2 and biodiversity.

(1) This undertaking concerns new projects involving investments of more than €50 million, entailing a significant impact on regions and the environment. The Group plans to lower this investment threshold to €30 million by 2030.

(2) Companies with industrial, operational (installation, operation, maintenance), engineering, distribution and marketing activities relating to goods and services.