Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction 2022 social agenda

The 2022 social agenda was the subject of several discussions with the Central Trade Union Representatives.

Three agreements concluded unanimously:
  • the 2022-2026 agreement on the establishment and operation of the Group France Council;
  • the agreement relating to individual salary measures for 2022;
  • the agreement relating to individual salary measures for 2023;
  • the 2022 collective profit-sharing agreement.
Other collective agreements or amendments signed by EDF
  • the 2021 amendment to the profit-sharing agreement;
  • the 2021 amendment to the PEG agreement;
  • the 2023 agreement on EDF’s contributions to the PEG and PERCO employee savings plans;
  • the Group agreement amendment relating to the terms and conditions of EDF’s financing of the EDF group’s supplementary pension scheme;
  • the amendment modifying the agreement setting up the supplementary pension scheme within the EDF group;
  • the supplemental agreement to the EDF group’s collective bargaining agreement on sustainable mobility;
  • the EDF’s methodological agreement on the 2023 Social Dialogue plan. EDF’s Consultation and Coordination Body (“ICCE”)

The ICCE is a forum for social dialogue, exchange and/or consultation with EDF’s representative trade union organisations, led by the Group Social Dialogue Director. Its role is to discuss societal and development issues that do not fall within the remit of employee representative bodies or emerging issues, decisions or policy orientations.

For the year 2022, five face-to-face sessions were organised and twelve topics were presented, including the Nuclear Industry University, the Guide to combating sexist and sexual violence in the workplace, the 2021-2022 opinion surveys on the image of EDF and energy, the 2021 review of recognition practices and recruitment by co-option. The presentation of the results of the My EDF 2021 survey was shared with the Group’s business line coordinators, who were invited for the occasion. Employee Representative Bodies (ERB)

In 2022, the structure of the Employee Representative Bodies included 48 site-level Social and Economic Committees, one Central Social and Economic Committee for EDF and one France Group Committee. Central Social and Economic Committee (CSEC)

The Central SEC, which was established in December  2019, is made up of 25 employee representatives and 4 trade union representatives.

The extremely high level of social developments led to 17 meetings, including 8 extraordinary meetings in 2022, covering recurring consultations such as the economic and financial situation or the Company’s social policy, as well as projects such as the acquisition of GE Steam Power’s nuclear business, inter-Directions real estate projects, the SSTIE balance sheets, the coming winter, the value-sharing bonus project, the progress of the New Nuclear Flamanville 3 project, the EPR2 project in France, the Jaitapur project in India, the Hinkley Point C and Sizewell C projects in the United Kingdom, and the plan to create the subsidiary Nuward SAS to run the SMR project. Finally, the CSEC was also advised about the planned Simplified Public Takeover Bid in October. France Group Committee

The France Group Committee is a forum for dialogue at the Group level in France, and is made up of 28 employee representatives of the Group’s subsidiaries (EDF, Dalkia, EDF Renewables, Framatome, Enedis, IZI Confort, Électricité de Strasbourg, Dalkia Electrotechnics).

On 25 April 2022, the collective agreement relating to the Group Committee for France was unanimously signed by the four representative trade unions. This agreement will improve the functioning of the Committee, enable a structured social dialogue to be maintained on industrial, social, environmental and innovation issues within the scope of the France Group Committee and ensure the same quality of social dialogue at regional level on issues of employment, mobility and work-study programmes.

In 2022, this Committee met six times, including two special sessions. The 4 ordinary meetings were used to review the Group’s policies and in particular the roll-out of the Group’s health and safety policy, the employment situation, mobility and training, the Group’s economic and financial position, with the assistance of a chartered accountant for the elected representatives, the Group’s strategic policies, news from the subsidiaries in France and a visit to Dalkia’s SMURFIT site in Biganos. The two extraordinary meetings at the end of the year were devoted to briefing the France Group Committee on the Simplified Public Takeover Bid filed by the French State with the French Financial Markets Authority on 3 October and to the hearing of the French State’s representative. Social dialogue metrics

The social dialogue indicator selected at the Group level measures the existence of collective agreements in the key companies controlled. While taking into account certain particularities encountered internationally, the commitment aims to achieve social performance measured by this indicator at a rate of over 87% of employees covered in the consolidated scope.

  Annual target 2020 2021 2022
Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement (in %)* Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement (in %)*

Annual target


Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement (in %)*



Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement (in %)*



Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement (in %)*



* See section 3.6 “Methodology”.