Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Declining departments or subsidiaries
Enhanced employee mobility and onboarding measures
Priority given to redeployed employees

All candidate searches must first seek internal solutions, with priority given to redeployed employees; this hinges on solidarity between different entities within the Group and the development of fast-tracking between business lines.

Sandwich-based redeployment courses

The EDF group has implemented sandwich-based redeployment courses, allowing employees to retrain for positions in line with the Group’s strategic workforce planning priorities. In 2022, 60 employees benefited from this type of course, including 30 in the process of redeployment, for positions such as that of data analyst and maintenance technician. The EDF group has continued to enrich its offering, drawing on lessons learned from previous intakes.

Enedis Conseil & Action EDF Impulsion

Following the example of 30 other French businesses (who joined forces to form the Association française du conseil interne, i.e., French internal consulting association), EDF set up two internal consulting teams.

Enedis Conseil & Action and “EDF Impulsion” feature high-level managers who are changing careers: they put their skills to use to help Group business lines by carrying out operational assignments. This model – complete with its dual raison d’être – creates value for Group managers by providing internal consulting services.

At Enedis Conseil & Action, 300 assignments have been completed since 2017 by around fifty consultants and “alumni” who have since moved on to pastures new. EDF Impulsion 64 manager-consultants recruited between 2020 and 2022 have already completed 143 assignments. These entities also provide specific, targeted support for each team member, to help them find a job matching their aspirations and the Group’s needs within 18 months.

“My Job”

Declining departments have been supported through a specific project called My Job, designed to enhance the visibility of pools of qualified employees and solidarity between departments for EDF.

Mobility and redeployment in 2022
  2021 2022
Employees who found a job in line with the Group’s needs in 2022

Employees who found a job in line with the Group’s needs in 2022



Employees who found a job in line with the Group’s needs in 2022



Employees which have been redeployed since 2018 (EDF)

Employees which have been redeployed since 2018 (EDF)



Employees which have been redeployed since 2018 (EDF)


3,495 Intensifying the mobility dynamic

In addition to targeted actions, and to remove obstacles and give fresh impetus to mobility, in 2022 EDF implemented the Booster la mobilité (i.e. boosting mobility) plan launched back in 2021, which adds to the Group’s existing mobility systems.

The new “Booster la mobilité” plan

This initiative co-built together with all EDF Divisions and subsidiaries, with a series of actions focused on three goals:

  • matching supply and demand for jobs across the Group;
  • redefining financial support for mobility and redeployment programmes;
  • creating and enhancing attractive career paths.

Building on past experience, the plan offers new solutions to encourage mobility in line with the challenges facing the Company. The Booster la mobilité programme supplements the Group’s existing mobility schemes, making it easier for employees to apply for jobs far from home without needing to move (Mon job en proximité); facilitating discussions about financial questions (before/after financial situation) and other issues (relocation); encouraging transparency and fluidity in the internal job market (since 2020, a Group IS scheme devoted to mobility and recruitment has made it easier for all employees to have an overview of the internal job market).

New solutions
  • Modular mobility capital, facilitated mobility pack, locality discovery service.
  • National People Reviews, the aim of which is to have an overview of positions that are hard to fill nationally alongside Group mobility potential beyond regional level, and to facilitate individual mobility between EDF and other entities within the Group.
  • Consultation of business lines and trade union organisations on sites and business lines to set up high-priority or encouraged support schemes.
EDF group mobility month
  • In parallel, in November 2022 the Group launched the EDF group Mobility Month, a first in terms of its scale, impact, and duration. Mobility days provided an opportunity for all the Group’s businesses to focus on internal mobility. More than a hundred stands gave mobile employees the chance to meet nearly 400 HR advisors and managers involved in this event over the month.
  • These events organised in regional employment areas include conferences, business line sector presentations, and jobdating, plus informal meetings and skills assessments; they allow Group employees to plan their career path and make precious new contacts for their projects.