Universal Registration Document 2022



Framatome’s Supply Chain Department takes account of CSR at every step of Framatome’s purchasing process, covering everything from specifications to definition of certain supplier panels, plus contractualisation. Framatome includes its “Framatome’s Ethical Commitments” and “Sustainable Development Commitments applicable to suppliers” documents in its specifications and contracts, setting out the principles with which suppliers must comply.

In turn, Framatome’s General Terms of Purchase contain a clause on Corporate Societal Responsibility. The Supply Chain Department drew up a CSR action plan containing 9 actions to include in specifications, contracts, and progress plans on certain markets.

Framatome is working with Afnor to set up a CSR assessment for suppliers based on risk mapping. Framatome is a signatory of the “Sustainable Supplier Relations & Purchasing” charter and has appointed a mediator to tackle issues in conjunction with the French national mediation service.


Since 2020, Edvance has required each of its suppliers to evaluate its CSR performance via the global EcoVadis platform. Edvance reserves the right not to list any supplier whose score on this platform is not high enough. 88% of its suppliers are “medallists” in the platform’s CSR guide. Edvance also includes a clause committing signatories to the United Nations Charter in all its contracts, as well as an ethics and compliance clause.


Edison set up a supply qualification process based on the use of CSR criteria to be completed by suppliers, such as requesting the following ISO certifications: 26000 (Social Responsibility), 30415 (Diversity & Inclusion), and 20400 (Sustainable Procurement), as well as the AA1000 Accountability standard. The list also includes questions relating to supplier goals, in particular with respect to sustainability and calculation of their carbon footprint.

Edison includes social and environmental criteria in its invitations to tender and contracts, particularly focusing on waste management and chemical use. Suppliers commit to making their sub-contractors abide by these same commitments and submit any useful information regarding compliance with environmental protection at every stage of the value chain to Edison. The same applies for the social plan: the contractor must comply with fundamental principles and rights. Edison reserves the right to verify that working conditions on the worksites of contractors, sub- contractors and suppliers do not breach the principles to which Edison is committed (fundamental principles and rights defined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Global Compact, and European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, etc.).

In 2022, meetings were held focusing on “Supply chain sustainability: a regionally- shared value”. Edison’s aim is to involve its entire supply chain stakeholder ecosystem (suppliers, partners, purchasers and colleagues from business’s BUs) with issues of sustainability reflecting views in the region. In 2022, a series of interviews was held with a group of 100 suppliers to investigate possible ESG improvements to supply chain.


Luminus systematically takes CSR criteria into account in its calls for tenders. Since 2020, a CSR questionnaire has been included in each call for tenders via aprocurement platform. CSR criteria encompass carbon emissions, packaging, recycling, waste management, and shipping.


Dalkia is currently overhauling its Sustainable Purchasing process, developing risk mapping of its purchasing processes based on 4 risk categories: Environmental, Human rights, Health & safety, and business ethics.


EDF in the UK is also conducting a risk assessment in respect of modern slavery to ensure that prevention measures are in place (see section “Implementation of human rights commitments”). Procurement stakeholder training

Buyers are also educated about the importance of the responsible purchasing approach, mainly through their training. Every new purchaser joining the Group Purchasing Department attends a “PURCHASER PASS” training course focusing on the main principles of sustainable purchasing. Plus, in November  2022, a “sustainable purchasing” e-learning module was finalised, and is now available on the EDF training platform where it can reach a wider audience. Collaborative reverse factoring

The EDF group offers its suppliers collaborative reverse factoring, granting them the possibility to pre-finance their invoices before the contractual due date, as soon as EDF issues the payment voucher (1).

  2020 2021 2022
No. of beneficiary suppliers

No. of beneficiary suppliers



No. of beneficiary suppliers



No. of beneficiary suppliers



Amounts (in millions of euros)

Amounts (in millions of euros)



Amounts (in millions of euros)



Amounts (in millions of euros)


3,357 Mutual benefits

The Group Procurement Department continued its proactive programme of “Productivity Partnerships”. The aim is to improve the contract’s operational performance through close cooperation between EDF and its suppliers. This performance generates shared gains, which can be financial, organisational or technical, and sometimes include a CSR component.

For example, in 2022, the successful bidder on a landscaping contract for two nuclear power plants subsequently introduced an “eco-grazing” technique, a natural and more environmentally-friendly approach reducing green waste and use of both weedkillers and machines.

Productivity Partnerships 2020 2021 2022
Productivity gains within the scope of EDF (in millions of euros)

Productivity gains within the scope of EDF (in millions of euros)



Productivity gains within the scope of EDF (in millions of euros)



Productivity gains within the scope of EDF (in millions of euros)



(1) EDF enables its suppliers to benefit from interest rates based on its own financial risk and credit standards.