Universal Registration Document 2022


EDF Norte Fluminense (EDF NF) formed a sustainable partnership with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fio Cruz), one of the foremost scientific and technological institutions promoting health in Latin America. As an example, in 2022 EDF NF sponsored the Roda de Palhaço project designed to comfort and bring joy to sick children in hospital by sending them singing teams dressed as clowns. Via the EDF group Foundation

The EDF group Foundation assists community organisations and encourages employee involvement. Its efforts are mainly focused on three areas in France and abroad: environment, education and inclusion, with priority given to actions to help future generations and the most vulnerable. The Group’s philanthropic efforts involve both financial support and assigning employees via skills-based sponsorship and volunteer work.

The EDF group has donated €12.6 million to support projects in the public interest. 45% of the actions are carried out by the EDF group Foundation, 44% by the EDF parent company, and 12% by the Group’s subsidiaries. The EDF group Foundation supported 247 projects in France and 34 projects abroad, mainly focused on the environment, education and inclusion.

The EDF group Foundation routinely assesses the implementation and impact of the projects financed. Sponsorship agreements set out indicators measuring the implementation and impact for beneficiaries and their achievement is monitored through an annual review requested from the association running the project. 10% the amount awarded is withheld until the review is produced and the indicators met.

For details of the EDF group Foundation’s philanthropic efforts, see the online annual report (1). Focus on support for Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war in 2022, a crisis unit was set up, managed by the Group Risk Department, coordinating the action of all the concerned entities and subsidiaries in our business. Having received numerous requests from the Ukrainian authorities, the embassies and partners, etc., the EDF group wished to provide effective responses to requests for equipment to maintain the electricity distribution network, which suffers damage daily. Thus, in coordination with the French Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Electricians Without Borders NGO, Enedis sent 60 emergency electricity generating units to Ukraine and Moldavia to secure the most crucial infrastructures, such as hospitals. The NGO’s teams went out to install and connect the equipment, and also to train the Moldavian personnel in maintaining and operating the emergency power generators. EDF sent out personal protection equipment and radiometers to the Zaporijia nuclear power station, together with four transformers.

In addition to sending out equipment, the Group is mobilising to receive refugees. As an example, Enedis and EDSO (Association for the European Distribution System Operators) organised reception of families of the Ukrainian distribution network personnel – catering for some ten thousand people. Other local initiatives, such as the EDF real-estate department making available 17 homes in 9 municipalities, or the opening of CCAS holiday centres, thus affording housing for Ukrainian refugee families.

Furthermore, at end August 2022, the EDF group Foundation collected €500,000 via a campaign seeking donations of employees’ hours of work or leave entitlements. €250,000 were assigned to first emergency actions to benefit displaced Ukrainians, through the intermediary of 3 NGOs:

  • the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (HCR) – Ukraine (for people displaced within the country) and bordering countries: to help provide shelter for refugees (tents, reception facilities) and emergency aid (delivering packages of materials, blankets, water in jerry cans, mattresses, etc.) and in reception facilities at the borders;
  • UNICEF – Poland: to set up an emergency services centre to assist vulnerable families with children: providing information for families on the road, psychosocial support, support by social workers and health services, person search and re-uniting of families for children separated from their families during their journeys (a centre capable of supporting 3,000 to 5,000 people per day);
  • SOS Attitude – Moldavia: equipping three refugee camps in Moldavia with a communal lighting system to enhance security at those camps by lighting washroom areas and the alleyways between tents. An employees’ collective in the service of energy transition: Rhizome

Rhizome is an organic, interconnected, horizontal network focusing on action to promote the Company’s ecological transition (in furtherance of its raison d’être). It is a collective of employees committed to greater ecological awareness at the workplace. Rhizome regularly organises webinars broadcasting employees’ personal accounts of initiatives and moments of sharing. Today, by word of mouth, 1,280 employees join forces around a Manifesto (2).