Universal Registration Document 2022


 Recruitment of women in technical professions (EDF) 2020 2021 2022
Total number of hires in technical professions

Total number of hires in technical professions



Total number of hires in technical professions



Total number of hires in technical professions



Share of women among hires in technical professions (in %)

Share of women among hires in technical professions

(in %)


Share of women among hires in technical professions

(in %)


Share of women among hires in technical professions

(in %)


Total number of hires in the information systems business units

Total number of hires in the information systems business units



Total number of hires in the information systems business units



Total number of hires in the information systems business units



Share of women among hires in information systems professions (in %)

Share of women among hires in information systems professions

(in %)


Share of women among hires in information systems professions

(in %)


Share of women among hires in information systems professions

(in %)


Share of women hired as engineers (in %)

Share of women hired as engineers

(in %)


Share of women hired as engineers

(in %)


Share of women hired as engineers

(in %)


Highlighting of work-study programs and internships
Key element of the Group’s sourcing and human ambition

EDF has made work-study programmes and end-of-study internships a key component of its skills sourcing and “inclusive industrial” employer brand, meaning that more than one out of every 100 work-study students in France is trained by the Group. The “# 1jeune 1 solution” (“# 1 young person 1 solution”) scheme successfully took on 8,340 work-study students, of whom 4,800 for the 2022-2033 intake, and 3,500 interns.

Promoting work-study programmes in hiring 2021 2022
Number of work-study students

Number of work-study students



Number of work-study students



Number of interns received

Number of interns received



Number of interns received



Percentage of young graduates recruited through work-study programmes or internships (in %)

Percentage of young graduates recruited through work-study programmes or internships

(in %)


Percentage of young graduates recruited through work-study programmes or internships

(in %)


Commitment to launching the careers of young people and inclusion

Helping young people find employment remains one of the Group’s priorities. For many years, the Group has been working for a more inclusive economy, especially for young people.

Priority neighbourhoods and revitalised rural areas

EDF is committed to bringing in young people who are far from employment and those who come from Priority Urban Neighbourhoods and Revitalised Rural Areas. With inclusion at the heart of the Group values, EDF also undertook in 2022, with the voluntary association “Tous en stage” (“Traineeship for all”) to support schoolchildren in troisième (lower 5th form) from priority districts (deprived areas) seeking internships in France. This is a valuable opportunity for the Group which wishes to elicit vocations, particularly among young women.

“One young person, one mentor”

The EDF group and the EDF group Foundation are mobilised in the “One young person, one mentor” scheme which provides a response to the challenges of youth employment and of renewing skills. More than 1,000 mentorship proposals are open to Group employees (1). Mentor missions are available throughout France in person and remotely, in formats ranging from one to two hours of commitment per month per mentor over an average duration of 6 months.

At end December 2022, 462 mentorship actions were undertaken, of which 227 were performed via Human Pacte, with additional actions reported by Enedis, Dalkia and the EDF group Foundation. Backed by this existing seedbed, the Group is changing scale with the ambition of achieving 1,300 mentored young people by 2025, since one employee can mentor several young people.

Partner in the "C Génial" competition

In June 2022, EDF awarded the Génialissime prize to the Lycée pilote innovant international at Jaunay-Marigny (pilot upper secondary school) near Poitiers for the project “Un fil qui donne des sueurs chaudes”. Prizewinners are allowed to take part in international scientific contests, and to visit companies so as to see in real life the openings for students in science and technology.

Skill mentorship

Under the French Pacte Act, EDF has chosen to develop skills sponsorship. The Company adopted two lines of approach:

  • senior skills sponsorship, which constitutes an opportunity to end one’s career by placing one’s skills at the service of a recognised voluntary entity. This scheme therefore addresses employees who are nearing retirement;
  • mid-career sponsorship, which addresses all the Company’s employees, enabling them to perform a mission in the general interest according to differing terms and procedures as part of an employee’s career path.

In 2022, 63 skills sponsorship contracts were entered into in the Company.

Mobilisation for economic and social recovery
Numerous partnerships at national and regional level

In 2022, EDF carried on its national partnerships with Pôle Emploi (Job Centre), Viva Fabrica, MED Metaverse, Yookan, and C Génial.

EDF recruits in the Nantes tramway

New recruitment methods in line with the values of the EDF group make it easier for people who are far from employment to enter the job market. Under this scheme, EDF took part in the Tramway de l’emploi (Tramway for Employment) addressing the young people of the Nantes metropolis. A tram travelling on line 1 included seats reserved for the operation to afford the opportunity of meeting candidates. The job offers proposed by EDF Pays de la Loire included: a boilermaker for the Izy Confort subsidiary, a customer advisor for the Sales Department, etc.

Sector in decline or affected by PSE

EDF is pursuing its responsible and win-win sourcing approach and is offering jobs to employees with experience in sectors that are shrinking or affected by PSEs (2).“Job dating” operations were organised with the employees of Renault, Stellantis and Naval Group.

2022 profit-sharing scheme and recruitments
Increased proportion of women recruited

The employee profit-sharing agreement signed for 2022 includes, in addition to the business-line, health and safety and climate criteria, a criterion relating to the rate of female recruitment (3) with the ambition of achieving 27%. With a female recruitment rate of 28% in 2022, this result yields 100% performance for this profit-sharing criterion. Other innovative sourcing methods

The Group maintains a high level of digital communication in order to maintain its position and role as an indirect “source” via social media and online events targeted at the profiles it seeks. Communication on the Group’s businesses and subsidiaries has been strengthened, with a particular focus on the Group’s recruitment energy-transition related priorities.

(1) engagement.microdon.fr/humanpacte

(2) PSE: Employment Protection Plan (Plan de sauvegarde de l’emploi).

(3) Counting for 10% of the profit-sharing result.