Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Variable remuneration plans to boost performance
Variable remuneration

Within the Group, most employees have individual or collective performance-based variable remuneration. The terms and conditions of this variable remuneration differ from one Group company to another on the basis of historical agreements or applicable regulations.


in France, EDF and Enedis employees benefit from a profit-sharing scheme, introduced more than 20 years ago for EDF and for Enedis when it became a subsidiary. Most of the Group’s European subsidiaries have similar schemes. EDF and Enedis employees can choose either to receive payment and/or to invest it into either the Group Corporate Savings Plan or the Group Collective Retirement Saving Plan. In a constrained economic context, a policy of matching contribution is maintained. EDF’s profit-sharing agreements, usually three-yearly, were concluded for a one-year period in 2020, 2021 and 2022. EDF and Enedis require the profit- sharing amount payable to be set based on the meeting of national objectives reflecting the different components of the companies’ performances (economic, business lines, social and environmental).

Professional training on compensation issues

EDF and Enedis pay particular attention on the professional training of their managers in questions of remuneration and, for example, in supporting managers at the time of the recognition campaign, with the modernisation of the recognition path for EDF as a whole and professional training for the HR function as a whole on questions of remuneration (implementing the new syllabus). Employee savings policy

The employee savings schemes are open to employees of EDF and of the Group’s French companies in which EDF owns directly or indirectly at least 40% of the share capital and which have signed up to the Group Savings Plan (PEG) and/or the Collective Retirement Savings Plan (PERCO). Group corporate savings plan (PEG)

A full range of diversified mutual funds is available for subscription, including conservative funds mainly invested in bonds and money market investments, balanced funds and dynamic funds, mainly invested in shares, including shareholding funds invested in EDF shares. A dedicated, solidarity-based, low- carbon fund aims to invest in the energy transition while respecting agreements that limit CO2 emissions. Profit-sharing, as well as individual payments and transfers from the Time Savings Accounts, are matched by the Company under conditions negotiated within each company.

The EDF group’s PEG 2022
Number of employees, retirees and former employees of the Group holding a PEG

Number of employees, retirees and former employees of the Group holding a PEG



Share of total population (in %)

Share of total population

(in %)


Outstanding amounts (in billions of euros)

Outstanding amounts

(in billions of euros)

5.3 Collective Retirement Savings Plan (PERCO)

The EDF group’s Collective Retirement Savings Plan is made up of two FCPE (Employee Mutual Investment Funds) profit-sharing funds with a total of eight investment vehicles: one solidarity fund and one set-maturity fund. The plan may be managed independently, in which case it may be invested in any sub-fund

regardless of the retirement date, or by the fund manager, in which case the level of risk will be automatically reduced as the maturity date approaches (retirement, acquisition of their primary residence). Profit-sharing, as well as individual payments and transfers from the Time Savings Accounts, are matched by the Company under conditions negotiated within each company.

PERCO EDF group 2022
Number of employees, retirees and former employees of the Group holding a Group Collective Retirement Savings Plan

Number of employees, retirees and former employees of the Group holding a Group Collective Retirement Savings Plan



Share of total population (in %)

Share of total population

(in %)


Outstanding amounts (in billions of euros)

Outstanding amounts

(in billions of euros)


It will be noted that 27% of Group employee savings (PEG + PERCO) is invested at the date hereof in funds aligned with Article 8 of the European Union SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation). Employee shareholding

In 2022, the EDF group launched an employee-shareholding operation termed “ORS 2022” by way of an increase in capital reserved for employees who are members of the Group Savings Plan or of the International Group Savings Plan.

The capital increase comprised a structured (or “leveraged”) formula with a guaranteed personal contribution in euros, within a limit of 8 million shares and a so-called “conventional” formula. 

This operation enabled 43,888 employees to subscribe 18,100,741 shares equivalent to 0.46% of the pre-existing share capital.

As at 31 December 2022, the employees held 1.59% of the share capital, divided between the shares held by the “Actions EDF” and “EDF ORS” employee shareholding funds (FCPEs) of the Group Savings Plan and the shares held in registered form:

  Employee shareholders Number of shares % of capital % of voting rights
Employee shareholdings

Employee shareholdings

Employee shareholders


Employee shareholdings

Number of shares


Employee shareholdings

% of capital


Employee shareholdings

% of voting rights


Group Savings Plan (“Actions EDF” and “EDF ORS” employee shareholding funds)

Group Savings Plan (“Actions EDF” and “EDF ORS” employee shareholding funds)

Employee shareholders


Group Savings Plan (“Actions EDF” and “EDF ORS” employee shareholding funds)

Number of shares


Group Savings Plan (“Actions EDF” and “EDF ORS” employee shareholding funds)

% of capital


Group Savings Plan (“Actions EDF” and “EDF ORS” employee shareholding funds)

% of voting rights


  of which EDF shares

  of which EDF shares

Employee shareholders


  of which EDF shares

Number of shares


  of which EDF shares

% of capital


  of which EDF shares

% of voting rights


  of which EDF ORS

  of which EDF ORS

Employee shareholders


  of which EDF ORS

Number of shares


  of which EDF ORS

% of capital


  of which EDF ORS

% of voting rights


Shares held in registered form

Shares held in registered form

Employee shareholders


Shares held in registered form

Number of shares


Shares held in registered form

% of capital


Shares held in registered form

% of voting rights
