Universal Registration Document 2022


Improvement of the employee “user path”

Actions to make the offer clearer, hence facilitating employee and manager training paths, were intensified: reducing the number of offers in the catalogue (-19%), preliminary study of increased use of external platforms, launching of a task-force action to converge towards a single catalogue following the gathering of the feelings and suggestions of employees, managers and members of the HR function “Parlons Formation” (“Let’s talk about Training”) in 2021 and 2022. Readying oneself to face the Group’s future challenges

The development of new nuclear technology and all the industrial challenges facing the Group call for acceleration in the detection of profiles with the appropriate skills, in contributing to the implementation of appropriate syllabuses, even outside the Group, in converting to redeploy in developing business lines, and lastly, in systematising knowledge and skills transfers.

Nuclear Industry University

The EDF group works in partnership with the government authorities and the players in the business lines in order to develop initial training courses connected with its skills issues, and to enhance the attractiveness of these training courses. This is very largely the case via the Nuclear Industry University, in which EDF is stakeholder alongside 11 other nuclear-industry companies (1). This University fosters closer acquaintance with the nuclear business and skills, and acts with industrialists and regional training providers to adapt the training offer to the industry needs, especially for trades in which there are shortages such as welders, mechanics and electricians.

Learning organisation

Beyond the widening of the training offer in digital technology, and to work towards a “learning organisation”, the Group encourages knowledge management practices aimed at improving the circulation of knowledge by fostering knowledge transfer, sharing, capitalisation, storage and dissemination. This translated into initiatives such as best-practices communities, the use of a wiki or the implementation of new search engines.

Promotion and internal mobility

The Group is further strengthening its commitment to internal promotion and mobility, thanks to schemes such as support for changes in pay grade. Regional e- forums on mobility very largely provide relevant information. Other existing drivers (work-study training, promotional training including training leading to qualifications, arrangements for redeployment in areas with skill shortages) continue to be widely acted-upon. Group talent management

The Talents policy, implemented at the level of the EDF group, describes the principles and criteria for identifying and validating employees with the potential, in the long and short term, for executive level responsibilities.

Early identification

Early identification of high-potential managers, with strong involvement from the Group’s senior managers, enables them to be prepared and monitored over the long term, via individualised support (career paths, development plan, training) and special networked events.


To identify the managers of tomorrow, assessments are carried out to evaluate the potential of managers according to a leadership model that is unified at the Group level.

Talents 2.0

Since 2018, the Talents 2.0 programme enables employees to identify themselves directly through a series of online tests. The participants accredited under this arrangement may have the opportunity of undergoing junior assessment.

Project Y

Each year, the “Project Y” mobilises some 30 young employees from the Group’s entities and subsidiaries. They meet in order to accelerate innovation and transformation at EDF, and the work response to 12 issues (one raised by each member of the Group Executive Committee). This year, the Y.22 employees succeeded in proposing 12  practical and unprecedented solutions particularly focusing on sobriety, the metaverse, external attractiveness and safety at work. Support for the Group’s executives and managers: the Group Management University

The Group Management University (GMU) was created in 2010 to support the development of EDF group managers and executives throughout their careers. GMU has pooled its intelligence to develop the new leadership ambition and has been deploying it since early 2020. More than 160 Management Committees have adopted this new model through collective workshops and a network of ambassadors. Skills development in the area of sustainable development

In line with the Company’s training policy, there are many training courses available for employees, managers and Directors on sustainable development issues. Among them can be mentioned 100% digital training syllabuses made available to all managers and senior executives such as: “Constructing a decarbonated electrical mix by 2050: issues and methodology”, or several items relevant to “Thematic energy issues”, particularly “responding to climate change” made available in September 2022 around the presentation at the seminar for the end of the government recess given by the climatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte. The EDF group is also pursuing its training offer “Energy strategic business” for senior executives, “The New World of Energy” targeting the Group’s talents, or the “Business and sustainable development” module targeting incoming Group directors (2). Comprehensive “environment – sustainable development” training programme

In France, a comprehensive “environment – sustainable development” training programme features both business line and cross-disciplinary training focusing on themes of environmental management, standards and regulations, and environmental analysis.

“Environment – sustainable development” training programme 2022
Number of employees trained in “Environment – Sustainable Development”

Number of employees trained in “Environment – Sustainable Development”



Number of hours of training

Number of hours of training



(1) For further details, see section “The excell plan: being present in major nuclear power projects”.

(2) See also in 2022 the Eco2 cycle of conferences in section “Eco2 conferences”.