Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Combating sexism and violence

The EDF group is committed to preventing and combating all forms of violence against women, in the workplace (sexism, harassment) and also domestic and family violence (support, guidance and job retention). The aim is to train and raise the awareness of managers and HR personnel on the subjects of sexism and both moral and sexual harassment. Combating sexism

As early as 2016, EDF was the first company to earn the “Sexisme, pas notre genre” (Sexism is not for us) label.

ENERGIES Mixité! network

The Company acts with the support of the ENERGIES Mixité! network (formerly Energies de femmes) and its more than 4,200 members.

Sexism barometer

With the help of the network “ÉNERGIES Mixité!”, a new “sexism barometer” was set up, as part of the #StOpE multi-company initiative, of which EDF has been a member since the beginning.

Employee training

The e-learning programme dedicated to the prevention of ordinary sexism was attended by 2,888 employees on e-campus (i.e. 11,273 employees in aggregate since it went online).

Preventing the risks of moral or sexual harassment
Training for managers and HR staff

An e-learning programme intended to prevent the risk of moral or sexual harassment was deployed for all target groups (management, HR, staff representatives, medical and social teams and employees) and was completed by 1,378 employees. Similar approaches are being deployed by EDF UK and Luminus. Combating domestic and family violence
Support, awareness, assistance, and care for victims

These measures were operationally implemented in partnership with the Company’s medical and social teams and the “FIT, une femme un toit” association in particular. In 2022, EDF has once again taken on board, assisted, supported and guided 122 employees who were victims of domestic violence, with over 485 employees (465 women and 20 men) who received help between 2019 and 2022 (one victim almost every three days).

Operational system
Toll-free hotline

A toll-free hotline for all employees of the Company, operating seven days a week, to allow employees to confide in someone and obtain advice on all harassment and discrimination issues.

Support team

A support team (with in-house and external skills) intervenes in investigations carried out when alerts are reported. Parenting support measures

EDF is strengthening its support systems for parents and family carers, under the “Family Rights” business-segment agreement signed on 15  December 2017: implementing new rights for family carers (access to an advice and services platform, additional pay for 3 family carers’ leave entitlements – to help a disabled family member or a family member with loss of autonomy); creating paid family care leave beyond parental leave available to both women and men that takes into account the different types of contemporary families, including single-parent families and parents of handicapped children; giving parents the option to lengthen their paternity and childcare leave if they so wish (with a basic minimum of 4 weeks’ paternity leave and 16 weeks of maternity leave); childcare facilities (financial aid for children's study expenses; leave system for CESU employees (remunerated by a chèque emploi service universel (universal service employment cheque) with 80% prefinancing by the company for parents of children below 12 years of age, and additional assistance for isolated parents or parents of handicapped children).

Breast-feeding mothers are supported by entitlement to paid authorised absence of up to one hour per day (not prorated on the basis of time worked), for one year from the date of the child’s birth. Disability plan A long-standing commitment

EDF is one of the first major French companies to be involved in the professional and social integration of people with disabilities, and is committed to doing so well beyond the legal framework. The 12th EDF agreement for equal rights and equal opportunity, and the occupational inclusion of disabled people, was signed on 11 January 2023 for the 2023-2025 period. EDF Renewables has also extended its agreement in December 2022 to cover the same period. Framatome and Enedis have agreements that are valid until end 2023.

Its goal is also to encourage sports for all. In 1992, EDF became a partner of the Fédération française handisport (French Federation of Disability Sports). EDF is also a partner of the 2024 Paralympic Games.

  2020 2021 2022
Number of employees with disabilities

Number of employees with disabilities



Number of employees with disabilities



Number of employees with disabilities


6,791 Integration and inclusion

The Group pays attention to the integration of disabled employees throughout their careers.

Quality of life at work

The findings of the IPSOS survey on quality-of-life work by employees recognised as disabled (conducted in 2021 at EDF) have furnished employee-relations and professional dialogue throughout 2022.

New challenges

The Group’s commitment to the occupational integration of disabled people is a long-term commitment, but the issues to be addressed are constantly changing. As an example, this is the case for the digital issue, given priority in the latest EDF handicap agreements, and leading to the signature in February 2022 of a first policy on access to digital technology at EDF.

Disability compensation

Several Group companies in France have introduced schemes, as part of their disability agreements, to provide them with occasional, back-up aid to offset the challenges they face in the workplace. Applications for aid are examined anonymously, in a multidisciplinary framework.

Extension of rights

The situations of parents of children with disabilities are now taken into account in the related rights.

End-of-career continued employment

In connection with their approved agreements, several Group companies in France have also introduced measures to facilitate the continued employment of disabled employees during the second half or at the end of their careers.