Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction 2022 Results

Whistleblowing results are consolidated and included in the annual ethics & compliance report submitted to the Executive Committee and presented to the EDF Board of Directors’ Governance & Corporate Responsibility Committee. The Group Ethics and Compliance Department has consolidated all admissible reports submitted in 2022 within the Group (via the Group system or any other channel). 305 admissible reports were recorded (including 63 via the Group whistleblowing system). 224 were about incidents occurring in France and 81 occurred abroad.

133 related to EDF and 172 to Group subsidiaries. 52% of cases reported relate to harassment/discrimination. In 2022, 68% of the alerts handled were sufficiently detailed to result in corrective action or disciplinary sanctions (9 dismissals following proven acts of harassment, and 7 dismissals following proven acts of fraud). In 31% of the cases where the facts were not proven, action to improve the relevant processes was still taken.

Admissibility of reports in the Group’s whistleblowing system

This diagram shows us the admissibility of reports in the Group alert system.

Admissible reports : 67%

Non-admissible reports : 33%

Results of investigations following alerts (all channels combined)

This diagram shows us the results of investigations following alerts (all channels combined).

Unproven allegations : 44%

Proven allegations : 48%

Partially proven allegations : 8%

Relationship of whistleblowers with the Group (all channels combined)

This diagram shows us the relationship of the alerter with Group (all channels combined).

Employees: 79%

External staff : 14%

Other thrid parties : 7%

Actions taken following alerts (all channels combined)

This diagram shows us the measures taken following alerts (all channels combined).

Corrective : 61%

Disciplinary : 29%

Disciplinary + corrective : 7%

Legal + correction : 1 %

Legal : 1 %

Disciplinary + legal : 1 % Group key performance indicator

The key performance indicator at Group level is the time taken to respond to the whistleblower, informing the latter of the admissibility of his/her report and on whether the whistleblowing processing procedure will continue. This response time must not exceed one month from receipt of the whistleblowing report.

The target for this KPI is therefore an annual 100%.

This indicator contributes to continually demonstrating the importance EDF attaches to duly taking account of whistleblowing alerts, and the resources implemented to process all alerts reported by the whistleblowers via the Group level whistleblowing system.

Annual rate of response to whistleblowers within the one- month time limit, informing them of the admissibility of their report and the next steps of the procedure (in %)

This graph shows us the annual rate of return to alerters within the maximum period of one month, informing them of the admissibility and the continuation of the procedure for processing their report (in %).

2020 : -

2021 : -

2022 : 100

Target: 100