Universal Registration Document 2022


Noise pollution

Regarding noise pollution, acoustic studies are conducted from the initial design stage and are included in environmental impact studies. Acoustic measurement campaigns are run in the area surrounding nuclear power plants.

EDF Renewables performs acoustic studies from the initial development phase of the wind turbines and the noise levels of turbines form part of the selection criteria for machinery. The same level of attention is given to noise pollution in the Group’s international and French subsidiaries.

All new transformers purchased by Enedis now use low-noise air coolers.

Light pollution

With regard to the action taken to prevent light pollution, Citelum has implemented a system of sensors to adjust the intensity of lighting on the road network based on traffic density and driving speeds, which also improves car safety. Actions to promote the practice of physical and sports activities Actions targeting the Company employees

There are many initiatives to promote the practice of sports among the Company’s employees, and they are varied and conducted as closely as possible at shop-floor level. As a recent example, the CIST-INGEUM alliance (1) under the United Heroes programme designed to mobilise the unit around a number of activities contributing to employee well-being and health. This programme provides advice and workshops on topics concerning nutrition or sleep, as well as health/sport diagnoses, equipment, events, conferences, lectures and tutorials, or even live and replay coaching. The programme also offers a wide range of activities accessible to all according to their interests. Examples include yoga, pilates, meditation, swimming, hiking, cycling or table tennis. These possibilities are offered to each employee of the unit, on a voluntary basis. The programme also provides the opportunity, several times during the year, to contribute donations to voluntary associations, by taking part in group challenges in the unit. Actions targeting the Company

EDF is partnering the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics and launched in June 2022 its heritage programme “enJeux d’avenir 2024” (the Challenge for the future in the 2024 Olympics). This programme is designed to vitalise the sport and energy of the 20-24 Olympics throughout France, and it seeks to mobilise the positive energies of sport to serve social and environmental causes through initiatives in metropolitan France and its overseas territories.

The heritage programme “enJeux d’avenir 2024” is addressed to all French citizens. The young generations are the prime target of this programme, and they are the best placed to contribute from today to transforming the world of sport. The programme initiatives were developed to go out and meet young people in order to raise their awareness of societal themes such as attitudes to handicap, eco- responsibility in sport, or learning to swim (2). Air quality Improving air quality by transforming the generation fleet
Modernisation of the thermal fleet

The EDF group is continuing its process of modernising and improving the environmental performance of its thermal fleet, until it meets the best available techniques in Europe. Regarding island systems, actions are taken to reduce NOx,on a case-by-case basis: optimising exhaust gas processing, or reducing the number of hours of operation for certain turbines. In Brazil, the emission levels of the Combined Gas Cycle power plant in Norte Fluminense are below its NOx limit of 25ppm, mainly due to the high standard of equipment maintenance.

In Italy, the Marghera Levante plant (780MW with 63% efficiency) is being substituted for less efficient resources, not only allowing specific gains in greenhouse gas emissions (up to 40%) but also significantly lowering nitrogen oxide atmospheric emissions (by more than half).

EDF is continuing to test biofuels, low-sulphur fuels to replace fossil fuels and is also developing an alternative fuel made from wood waste (3). At the same time, EDF is developing non-NOx and SO2 emitting technologies and proposes, in the island systems, isolated 100% renewable energy systems.

Change in SO2, NOx and dust emissions Group-wide:
SO2 and NOx emissions due to heat and electricity generation (in kt) 2020 2021 2022
SO2 NOx Dust SO2 NOx Dust SO2 NOx Dust
EDF group 17 30 3 18 31 3 16 29 3
EDF 3 9 0.2 4 10 0.2 3 10 0.2 Improving air quality by supporting public initiatives in this area

France’s “Climate and Resilience” Act strengthens outdoor and indoor air quality standards (mobility, heating, building renovation). As a responsible energy

company, EDF has developed unique skills in this field over many years, and works with partners to propose solutions to improve air quality.

EDF (4) has historical know-how on the understanding and modelling of atmospheric emissions and air-conditioning systems of buildings.

(1) This is the engineering unit providing service to the production fleet sites.

(2) See the press release dated 9 June 2022.

(3) Ecocombust project.

(4) More specifically, it involves the MFEE Department of EDF R&D.