Universal Registration Document 2022


HLW represents less than 1% of the UK’s radioactive waste volume and accounts for about 95% of the total radioactivity. HLW is produced as a by-product of the reprocessing of spent fuel from nuclear reactors. HLW is usually in liquid form and a process called vitrification converts the liquid HLW into a solid product which is then safely stored in preparation for the planned GDF for waste in England and Wales. For Scotland, high level waste needs to be packaged and stored prior to the development of a near surface repository. EDF UK has no HLW on its sites as it does not reprocess spent fuel on any of its sites.

Spent fuel from the AGRs is transported to Sellafield nuclear reprocessing site (owned by Sellafield Limited, a subsidiary of the NDA (1)) for long term storage. PWR spent fuel from Sizewell B is stored on site in a purpose-built spent fuel dry storage

facility which will safely store all of the spent fuel that will be generated over Sizewell B’s life. Following long-term surface storage, the Sizewell B PWR spent fuel will be disposed to a future UK geological disposal facility.

The AGR spent fuel arrangements were agreed at the time of the restructuring of British Energy and through them EDF Energy pays for long term storage (and in previous years reprocessing) of spent nuclear fuel. Sizewell B’s fuel storage strategy is approved by the NDA as it is funded by the Nuclear Liabilities Fund. EDF Energy has policies to continually improve and minimise the spent fuel and waste arising through the Company’s wider safety, sustainability and environmental policies (see section “Nuclear generation”: “Radioactive waste management and decommissioning"). Radioactive waste indicators
Solid radioactive waste indicator 2020 2021 2022
France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste (in m3)

France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste

(in m3)



France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste

(in m3)



France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste

(in m3)



United Kingdom: volume of low-level solid radioactive waste disposed of (in m3)

United Kingdom: volume of low-level solid radioactive waste disposed of

(in m3)



United Kingdom: volume of low-level solid radioactive waste disposed of

(in m3)



United Kingdom: volume of low-level solid radioactive waste disposed of

(in m3)



In addition to the previous indicators, the generating plants in operation in France are concerned by very-low level solid radioactive waste (VLLW) and short-lived high-level and intermediate-level solid radioactive waste (LILW-SL). In France, the volume of very-low level waste in 2022 is 3,619m3, compared to 3,273m3 in 2021 and 2,597m3 in 2020. The volume of short-lived low-level and intermediate-level waste in 2022 is 4,916m3 compared to 6,329m3 in 2021 and 5,429m3 in 2020. Within the Group’s scope in the United Kingdom, the intermediate-level radioactive waste generated is 196m3, compared to 161m3 in 2021 and 2020.

Waste from Framatome’s industrial activities in Belgium and the USA is identified by the class A radioactive waste indicators. In the USA, the volume of Class A waste is 911m3 in 2022, compared to 215m3 in 2021 and 378m3 in 2020. In Belgium, decommissioning activities at the Dessel site are being completed and did not produce Class A waste in 2022, as in 2021 and 2020. Radioactive waste and decommissioning

Waste resulting from the decommissioning of power plants and associated industrial activities is identified in France using the indicators of very-low level solid radioactive decommissioning and industrial waste (VLLW) and low-level and intermediate-level (LILW) radioactive waste. For the Group in France, the volume of very-low-level waste is 3,259m3 in 2022, compared to 2,707m3 in 2021 and 2,007m3 in 2020. The volume of low-level and intermediate-level waste is 349m3 in 2022, compared to 622m3 in 2021 and 251m3 in 2020. Eco-design

The eco-design approach, the first phase of the circular economy (2), is integrated from the engineering phase for major new construction projects or major process modifications. Several measures have been taken, such as:

Deployment at the Nuclear & Thermal Fleet Department

The design of facilities by engineering entities is based on an eco-design approach taking account of their environmental footprint, waste management and recovery throughout their entire lifecycle. Implementing a Waste Organisation and Management Plan (SOGED) for major construction sites contributes to the implementation of the principles of the circular economy very early on in the construction process.

Deployment at EDF Hydro

Deployment of the eco-socio-design approach at EDF Hydro, e.g. by carrying out a GHG footprint assessment for projects going through the CECEG, co-financed projects, projects requiring an impact study and certain international development projects.

Raising awareness among stakeholders

Awareness-raising actions for staff and service providers, e.g. in the form of e- learning or competitions, participation in the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR). Reusing and optimising resources

The Group’s entities and companies are committed to a process of continuous improvement according to the principle that the “best waste” is waste that is not produced.

Entity action plan

All entities have action plans to limit the production of conventional waste, which are incorporated into the environmental management system programmes and include corresponding indicators (quantity of waste avoided, quantity of equipment reused, savings made on waste management, monitoring of a waste recovery rate to encourage recycling and therefore foster savings of resources).

Waste and Circular Economy Group

This is integrated into EDF’s EMS and is tasked with carrying out prevention, optimisation of resources and recycling actions with a view to preventing waste generation. Optimisation of fuels and raw materials

For generating electricity and energy services, the Group uses raw materials, including a significant share of fuels: uranium, gas, coal, fuel oil and biomass. Consumption of different fuels varied to differing degrees in 2022: coal (-48%), heavy fuel oil (-1%), natural and industrial gas (-7%). In France, coal consumption decreased by 43% due to the decrease in coal generation. EDF’s gas consumption fell by 7% due to reduced gas-powered energy generation. In terms of electricity consumption on industrial sites, electricity consumption for generation resource auxiliaries (approximately 20TWh/year) is mainly self-produced electricity.

(1) Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

(2) There were many examples, including the free supply of warm water from the Gravelines power plant to the Aquanord fish farm, where by installing pipes to draw warm water from the drains, the fish farm collects 10m3 per second, without a water heating system (see the EDF “Circular economy and regions” guide); as well as the Dampierre power station, which uses its hot water to supply nearby agricultural greenhouses.