Universal Registration Document 2022


SBT for Nature (SBTN)

EDF is mindful to use a science-based action methodology and, along with a collective of French businesses, is testing the first stages of the SBT for Nature method. A report on these works has published by the collective in 2022 (1). Governance

In 2022, EDF group formally established nature governance and dialogue with stakeholders in the field. Governance bodies

The EDF group’s Nature governance forms part of its sustainable development governance (see section 3.5.2 “CSR governance bodies”). This is supervised, in accordance with the independent management of the network’s infrastructure managers, at the top Group-level. Nature governance mapping

The nature governance mapping.

Governance level:

  • Board
  • Corporate Responsibility Committee of the Board
  • Audit Committee of the Board

Executive level:

  • Risk Committee
  • CSR Strategy Committee
  • CECEG (The Executive Committee’s Commitments Committee)
  • Scientific Council
  • Stakeholder Council

Operational level:

  • Deployment of the “raison d’être” Preserving the planet and restoring biodiversity
  • Steering the financial and strategic performance of the Group’s entities
  • Impact Department
  • Strategy Department
  • Financial Department
  • SDC (Sustainable Development Committee)

At the bottom we have the group’s entities.

The Board of Directors

defines strategic, financial and economic guidelines by taking 
into account the Group’s Nature issues.


defines Nature guidelines of the Group.

The Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy Committee (CSRSC)

oversees the Nature guidelines as well as Act4nature and

EEN (Companies committed to Nature) commitments.

The Executive Committee’s Commitments Committee (CECEG)

examines the alignment of the Group’s investment projects with the “raison d’être”and CSR commitments (including Nature).

The Group Risk Committee

identifies and determines the management of Nature-related risks and shares its strategy for mitigation.

The Scientific Council

clarifies the process by presenting the progress of scientific knowledge.

The Stakeholder Council 

gives an opinion on EDF’s approach to the preservation of natural resources.

Deployment of the "raison d’être"

Inclusion of Nature / CSR commitments in all Group policies. 

Management of the financial and strategic performance  of Group entities

integrates Nature criteria into the entities’ medium-term plans.

The Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) 
represents all the Group’s businesses and prepares the issues presented to the CSR Strategy Committee.

Impact Department 
Proposes strategic orientations, gathers feedback on Nature indicators and stakes from entities and companies, and from R&D, which are shared in SDC/CSRSC. Proposes a Nature governance.  Establishes a mapping of stakes and risks related to Nature. EDF’s attendance of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum

In 2021, EDF’s attended the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum, which aims to provide better information enabling financial institutions and businesses to take account of nature-related risks and opportunities in their strategic planning, risk management and asset allocation decisions.

(1) https://www.bl-evolution.com/publication/science-based-targets-for-nature-retours-dexperience-de-la-phase-pilote/