Universal Registration Document 2022


Compressed air

Dalkia Air Solutions is working with Trinature to develop its vegetable processing and freezing facility in Blaringhem, Nord (France). For Trinature, the teams suggested a responsible solution geared to the food industry that uses food grade oil and incorporates a compressed air generator, together with the construction of an air network for the production area. Full-scope support

As the energy supplier for over 150 PSA sites, EDF is helping the carmaker identify sources of energy savings, in particular by implementing an energy performance plan.

EDF subsidiaries are assisting PSA as it improves its energy performance and decarbonises its practices:

  • Dalkia: in Charleville-Mézières, Dalkia is recovering waste heat from Stellantis factory furnaces and reinjecting it into the district heating network. Dalkia is providing support to six PSA sites as they address issues relating to the supply and recovery of heat and connection to local heat networks, as well as providing a variety of other technical services;
  • Perfesco: identifying every possible avenue for energy optimisation, ranging from lighting to process equipment, for a number of PSA sites and projects in France and elsewhere. This redesigning is generating energy savings of over 10GWh per year;
  • IZIVIA: Stellantis has chosen IZIVIA to equip the carmaker’s office and industrial sites with charging stations in eight European countries. Decarbonisation solutions for agriculture

To support the sector as it combats climate change, the EDF group has introduced offers such as the installation of solar panels, the production of electricity and heat using biogas, the improvement of agricultural equipment energy efficiency, the heating of environmentally-friendly greenhouses by recycling household waste, and the use of a hydrogen fuel cell to power milking machines.

Pulse, the new Innovation Division of the EDF group (DIPP) whose remit includes developing the strategic framework for innovation vectors and key projects, has studied the issues facing the food industry. To do so, it has produced analysis to prepare the way for a new approach to agriculture depending on the type of farming and food production concerned (pre-targeting) and the type of action in question (efficiency, decarbonation, local power production, financing). Decarbonisation solutions for the tertiary sector

The EDF group offers customised services to companies and professionals that wish to optimise their energy flows to improve their economic performance and reduce their environmental footprint.

Developing heating and cooling networks

The Futuroscope theme park has set itself the ambitious target of becoming carbon- neutral by the end of 2025. To support it in this project, it has enlisted the services of its historic partner Dikeos, a subsidiary of the Dalkia group, for the design, construction and operation of a virtuous heating and air conditioning network. New heating and cooling installations using renewable energy will be introduced from 2025, further “greening” the theme park’s energy mix. This holistic environmental approach will reduce the park’s CO2 emissions by some 3,500 tonnes annually. Ultimately, Futuroscope’s environmental programme and the energy performance improvement works will result in an 80% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions; the remaining 20% will be stored in carbon sinks. By the end of 2025, the park will no longer use any fossil fuels.

Energy efficiency decarbonation solutions for healthcare

Dalkia and the Medeos group have entered into an energy performance agreement (contrat de performance énergétique, CPE) for around ten nursing homes. There are several strands to the agreement: performing a technical audit of each nursing home; setting up decision support software to refine the choice of energy performance actions; handling funding request applications in relation with energy savings certificates (certificats d’économie d’énergie, CEE) and a suite of optimisation works. Overall, potential energy savings of 20% for the Medeos group are forecast. Decarbonisation solutions for local authorities

The EDF group is extensively engaged in the energy transition as it applies to cities and local authorities.

Virtuous heating networks using heat recovery: Maubeuge

To provide the town of Maubeuge with a responsible and economically viable heating solution, Dalkia teams have implemented the recovery of fatal heat from the existing energy-from-waste facility, dispatching it into a district heating and sanitary hot water network. The result is 83% renewable and recovered energy (R&RE) in the network’s energy mix and 10,100 tonnes of CO2 avoided every year.

Bois Energie provides a 100% renewable energy heating network for Lunéville

The town of Lunéville entrusted Dalkia with the construction and operation of its future district heating network, wholly powered by renewable wood energy. This is a first in France for a heating network of this size. An 8.5MW biomass boiler will be built for the project; it will use almost 16,000 tonnes of wood energy in the form of wood chips from forests within a radius of less than 100km.

This district heating network is helping the town ramp up its fight against global warming and energy poverty and bring down atmospheric emissions, with over 8,000 tonnes of CO2 avoided each year.

The €21.8 million investment will be overseen by Dalkia, with French research agency ADEME’s Heating Fund contributing €6.9 million.

Energy and environmental performance of lighting

In Paris, Citelum France, a subsidiary of Dalkia Electrotechnics, has won a contract with Paris City Council in a consortium with Eiffage Energie Systèmes Île-de-France for street lighting, traffic lights and illuminations worth €704 million in total; to date, this is the largest such contract awarded in this field in France. The contract is designed to improve structural quality, performance, and resilience of the city’s installations, with a 30% reduction in public lighting energy use and a total of 240GWh in energy savings.

Collective self-consumption

EDF is developing its service offering for collective self-consumption with the Communtiz digital platform, dedicated to collective self-consumption operations. This facilitates the integration of renewable energy projects and optimised sharing of energy produced for self-consumption at local level within a single building (such as social housing or condominiums), for multiple buildings (such as local authority built assets) or facilities (such as heating networks), or for local stakeholders such as companies in a business park. Decarbonisation solutions for transport Goals of the electric mobility plan

With the electric mobility plan, launched in October 2018, EDF is aiming for a 30% market share in the supply of electricity to electric vehicles in the Group’s four major markets (France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Belgium), the deployment of 400,000 charging points and the operation of 20,000 smart charging points by 2023. By the end of 2022, the EDF group had deployed nearly 270,000 charging points, including over 230,000 in the UK and almost 25,000 in France, as well as 17,000 smart charging points. Development of recharging infrastructure

As part of the electric mobility plan, the EDF group provides a full-scope range of offers for every type of use: residential customers in houses and flats, companies, and local authorities.