Universal Registration Document 2022


EDF Store & Forecast

The EDF Store & Forecast subsidiary develops and markets smart hardware and software solutions to maximise the value of renewable energy. With these solutions, the subsidiary supports its customers throughout their energy optimisation projects with consultancy, the supply of energy management storage systems and software, and production and consumption forecasting services.


DREEV is a joint venture between EDF and NUVVE operating in the field of electric mobility and developing solutions for smart charging, including the two-way vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charging solution. As well as providing electrical charging for compatible vehicles, the solution can also dispatch energy stored in their batteries into buildings when they are parked at a V2G charging station. The technology has been certified by RTE in recognition of its contribution to balancing the electricity system. Indeed, by activating charging or discharging of a large number of batteries in electric vehicles all over the country, DREEV can help adjust the electricity production and consumption balance; this is a first in France.

DREEV is also part of the EVVE project alongside EDF and a consortium of companies. Supported by the European Innovation Fund, which aims to promote innovative decarbonation technologies, the demonstrator is contributing to the goal of carbon neutrality set by the European Union for 2050. With 800 V2G charging stations installed by the end of 2024 providing total storage capacity of 8MW, almost 25,000 tonnes of CO2 will be avoided during the first ten years of operation of the project. Using artificial intelligence to promote restrained, effective development

Yxir is a new EDF group subsidiary that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to allow industrial players to control product and service quality by processing and analysing data from their quality management systems. EDF’s aim with Yxir is to address the issue and costs of non-quality in industry, thus improving performance, energy management, and resilience.


Enerbrain is an Italian start-up that specialises in smart building solutions which was added to EDF Pulse Holding portfolio in 2021. It has developed a solution to optimise energy efficiency in service sector buildings, based on IoT technology incorporating artificial intelligence. Without replacing their existing systems, Enerbrain customers can thus achieve sustainability and digital transformation goals whilst also reducing their energy costs and CO2 emissions.

Dalkia Analytics

Dalkia Analytics provides an energy and environmental performance coordination service for industrial facilities. Deployed on over 100 sites, the service captures new sources of energy savings by using AI to analyse production and consumption data. It can also be used to support ISO  50001 and decarbonisation certification procedures. Technical and financial innovations

One of EDF’s goals is to supply sustainable electricity at a reasonable price. Based on its strong public service values, EDF considers that electricity, as an essential asset, must be accessible to all and in all areas. In France, over 20 million homes and 1.5 million businesses have chosen to adopt the regulated sales tariff (tarif réglementé de vente, TRV). In an increasingly competitive market in which over 2 million domestic customers have already opted for EDF market offers, the Group has diversified its range to address demand (1).

Contractual and financial innovations (2) help leverage the affordability of electricity. They include: Fixed-rate electricity contracts

EDF Entreprises offers customers a single contract and invoice for the entirety of their sites. This “fixed-rate electricity contract” is directed at companies. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

A PPA is an agreement between an electricity purchaser and a renewable-origin electricity producer (which can also be a customer) at a price agreed for the entire duration of the contract. This form of contract encourages the development of renewable energies, and represents an additional commitment on the part of customers to the development of renewable energies alongside Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin certification. The EDF group subsidiary Agregio uses its expertise to support buyers seeking to commit to this type of contract.

EDF can offer its customers supply contracts that directly incorporate part of the supply via a PPA. For instance, in the energy supply contract entered into with Bouygues Telecom, EDF has included 203GWh of renewable electricity supply between 2022 and 2024, equivalent to the output of six wind farms operated by its subsidiary EDF Renewables. Established for a three-year period, the supply contract thus guarantees that these wind farms will continue to operate after the purchase commitment ends. Agregio, the EDF group subsidiary specialising in the optimisation of renewable energy production, will be responsible for supply via a PPA as part of the overall Bouygues Telecom supply contract.

Another PPA covers some 25% of the electricity requirements of l’Oréal’s main sites in France, for a total of 42GWh. This is a direct power purchase agreement entered into with EDF Renewables by virtue of which l’Oréal can benefit from a guaranteed purchase price throughout the lifetime of the agreement. Financial support

EDF Entreprises’ “Energy Savings Bonus” (prime économies d’énergie) can help fund renovation and energy efficiency works for equipment and buildings. Earning trust through quality of service

The customer satisfaction surveys have been rolled out to all departments and relevant subsidiaries. They allow offers and processes to be adjusted to customer requirements and contribute to continuous improvement action plans.

Domestic customer complaints are treated as opportunities to restore confidence and improve processes. Customer service staff are trained to detect and deal with customer complaints. If a customer is still not satisfied, they can approach the consumer affairs department, where a satisfaction officer becomes their single, go- to point of contact until their complaint is resolved. Complaints analysis allows processes to be improved and handling quality to be maintained. Customer relations

EDF’s customer service quality is acclaimed. More than 9 out of 10 customers are satisfied with their contact with EDF advisers. According to the most recent French National Energy Ombudsman reports, EDF had one among the lowest rate of disputes of any energy supplier in France. Since 2021, EDF became the first energy supplier to obtain Relation Client France certification, awarded to French companies that decide to locate all of their customer service facilities in France. See section “Focus on customer service lines of business”. Digital accessibility

EDF & Me: The EDF & Me application is viewed as one of the best on the energy supplier market, with over 16.6 million downloads. Already in 2021, EDF & Me was nominated for a Webby Award. The app is regularly the highest-ranked of all apps made available by energy suppliers.

Turning consumers into engaged stakeholders: The EDF group’s action to develop digital resources has provided greater access to information. The rapid rise in the number of consultations of online energy use monitoring platforms illustrates the cultural change underway, even more so in 2022 with the sharp increases in energy costs.

(1) One example is the launch of the “energy sobriety” challenge in 2022 for domestic customers as a market offering: edf.fr/groupe-edf/espaces-dedies/journalistes/tous-les- communiques-de-presse/edf-lance-un-challenge-sobriete-energetique-pour-ses-clients-particuliers-en-offre-de-marche.

(2) See also section “Activities of the Customer Division”.