Universal Registration Document 2022

Introduction Climate governance map

This diagram shows the climate governance map of EDF.

Gouvernance Level :

  • Climate point person member of the Board
  • Audit Committee of the Board 
  • Corporate Responsibility Committee of the Board
  • Climate point person member of the EXCOM

Executive Level

  • CRS Strategy Committee
  • Risk Committee
  • The CEGEG (The Executive Committee’s Commitments Committee)
  • Scientific Council
  • The CPRPP (The Public Authorities Relations Management Committee)
  • Stakeholder Council

Operation Level

  • CAP 2030 workstreams and deployment of the raison d’être including EDF group’s carbon neutrality workstream
  • Steering the financial and strategic performance of the Group’s entities
  • Strategy Department
  • Financial Department
  • Impact Department
  • Group Risk Department
  • SDC (Sustainable Development Committee)
  • Entity
The Board of Directors
defines strategic, financial and economic guidelines by taking into account EDF’s climate issues Appointment of a climate point person within the Board.
implements the EDF group’s climate strategy Appointment of a climate point person within the EXCOM.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy Committee
Chaired by the Chairman and CEO of EDF, this EXCOM committee oversees the climate strategy and any other subject related to the Group’s 16 CSR commitments.
The Executive Committee’s Commitments Committee (CECEG)
examines in depth the alignment of the Group’s investment projects with the raison d’être and climate commitments.
The Group Risk Committee
identifies the Group’s priority risks, including climate risk, and shares its strategy for mitigation.
The Scientific Council
informs the strategy by presenting the progress of scientific knowledge.
The Stakeholder Council
raises the expectations of civil society.
The Public Authorities Relations Management Committee (CPRPP)
coordinates actions to convey the Group’s positions to the French and European authorities.
The Sustainable Development Committee (SDC)
represents all the Group’s businesses and prepares the issues presented to the CSR Strategy Committee.
CAP 2030 workstreams and deployment of the “raison d’être
integration of CSR commitments, including climate, in all Group policies.
Management of the financial and strategic performance of entities
integration into the new CSR policy, and in the framework letters of the entities and subsidiaries. Implementation of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations The EDF group and the TCFD “TCFD Supporter”

The TCFD (Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) is a G20 Financial Stability Board (FSB) working group set up after the 2015 COP 21 conference with a view to improving companies’ financial transparency in climate-related matters. The EDF group was one of the world’s first organisations to support this approach and is officially listed as a “TCFD supporter” (1) TCFD Reporting

The TCFD (2) recommendations set out the climate reporting components that companies are expected to provide in their Universal Registration Documents, in four broad areas: governance, strategy, risk management, and indicators.

(1) fsb-tcfd.org/tcfd-supporters

(2) Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures, TCFD, June 2017.