Universal Registration Document 2022


  • 3% growth in the customer portfolio (1).
  • 67% increase in residential electricity customers with market offers in France, to 2.4 million.
  • 52.7% share of the business customer market and 70.8% of the residential customer market in France (2).
  • Strong progress in electric mobility: +45% rise in charging points installed and managed (over 280,000 by end-2022).
  • +15% increase in French regulated electricity sales tariff in 2023. Income shortfall recognised as a public service charge and covered by the CSPE compensation mechanism.
  • Many major business customers won, for electricity (e.g., Toyota, French Armed Forces Ministry, Paprec) and gas (e.g. Tereos, Constellium).
  • Dalkia: agreements signed with Arkema for an SRF (3) fuel recovery project to avoid 10,000t of CO2 emissions per year.
  • 18% increase in renewable plants connected in 2022, i.e., an additional 3.8GW.
  • Signature of a €800m loan agreement with EIB to support energy transition.
  • Downstream avoided emissions: new target at 30Mt CO2 in 2030 (4). End-2022 level: 11.4Mt CO2.
  • Adoption of the climate transition plan resolution at the May  2022 Shareholders’ Meeting by 99.87%.
  • 30.8% female members in Group entities’ Management Committee, on track for the target of 33% in 2026 and 36-40% in 2030 (5).
  • Issue of a €1.25bn Green Bond to fund investments in electricity distribution, bringing total Green Bond issues to c. €10bn.
  • Enedis and hydro and nuclear power generation teams’ action to maximise available capacity.
  • Energy sufficiency awareness-raising campaigns for customers (load-shedding, Tempo offers, consumption monitoring tools) contributed to the 10% drop in electricity consumption in France in November and December 2022.
  • Above 10% reduction in energy consumption by the Group’s office sites in Q4 2022 (6).
  • EDF Pulse: contribution to funding of the UK start-up Carbon8 (carbon capture and recovery from industrial residues).
  • Mobility:
    • Partnership between IZIVIA et Q-Park to install 4,000 public charging points in France in the next 3 years.
    • Luminus signed a 3-year renewable partnership to supply and install electric vehicle charging solutions for Arval’s business and residential customers in Belgium.
    • New combined solar panel/charging point service offer launched for business customers in France.
    • Innovative solution from Sowee and Mobilize (7) for Renault electric vehicle customers: costs reduced through smart home charging.
    • IZI by EDF selected by Nissan to supply and install electric vehicle charging solutions for its residential customers.

Cash capital increase of over €3.15bn, maintaining shareholders’ preferential subscription rights.

  • Support for the French nuclear sector:
    • Launch of a programme to build 6 EPR2 reactors and studies for potentially 8 more.
    • Continuing operation for all reactors, except for safety issues.
    • Development of the French SMR programs, including €500  million for NUWARDTM.
  • Acceleration of renewable energy development.
  • Confirmation of the growing role of low-carbon electricity in France’s climate ambitions, in a context of energy consumption reduction.
  • Increased market prices and volatility: extreme tensions on the electricity market in a context of lower nuclear output in 2022, requiring significant purchases on the market.
  • Supply chain disruptions and inflation of component and commodity prices caused delays for some activities and major projects.
  • Limited impact on supplies: one single Edison gas contract with a European subsidiary of a Russian company (accounting for 4% of the Group’s supply, terminated end-2022) and low dependence on uranium imports from Russia, given current stock levels and diversified long-term (20-year) supply contracts.
  • International sanctions: to date, no exposure to Russian companies, banks or individuals affected by international sanctions. Closure of the Moscow office.

(1) In millions of customers, counted by point of delivery. One customer may have two points of delivery. For France (DCO, ÉS and the island activities). With a negative impact in EBITDA in 2022 due to a higher number of new customers at regulated tariff, leading to purchases of volumes on the market at very high prices.

(2) On volumes sold for delivery in 2023.

(3) SRF: solid recovered fuel that cannot be recycled locally.

(4) Emissions avoided annually thanks to sales of new innovative products and services for the G4 scope. The initial target at 15Mt CO2 concerned the scope of EDF and Dalkia.

(5) These 2026 and 2030 Group targets also apply to the proportions of female employees and executives.

(6) Percentage decrease vs Q4 2021, corrected for climate effects.

(7) A Renault application.