The methodology for the key indicators cited in the Statement of Non-Financial Performance (DPEF) is set out in section 3.6 “Methodology”.
The Pack ESG, a public document recognised at “the Finance Transformation Awards”, sets out all the EDF group’s sustainability indicators (1). The EDF group’s Impactreport (2) is a public document that draws inspiration from the guiding principles of the Impact Management Project (IMP), and details how the Group aims to maximise itspositive impacts to facilitate the energy transition and minimise its negative impacts.
Major non-financial risks resulting from the Group’s risk mapping | CSR commitments | Contribution to the SDGs | Policy, actions, results | Key performance indicator | Scope | Unit | Target | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) | Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) CSR commitmentsAmbitious carbon trajectory |
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Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.1.1 |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) Key performance indicatorCarbon intensity : specific CO2 emissionsfrom electricity generation and heat √ |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) ScopeGroup |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) UnitgCO2/kWh |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) Target35 by 2030 |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) 202051 |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) 202148 |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) 202250 |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) | Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) CSR commitmentsCarbon offsetting solutions |
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Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) Policy, actions, resultsSection |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) Key performance indicatorDeployment rate of the framework guidelines on carbon offsetting solutions |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) ScopeGroup |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) Unit% |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) Target100 by 2023 |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) 2020- |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) 202150 |
Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B) 202250 |
Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) | Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) CSR commitmentsAdapting to climate change |
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Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.1.2 |
Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) Key performance indicatorDeployment rate of new climate change adaptation plans within concerned entites |
Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) ScopeGroup |
Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) Unit% |
Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) Target100 by 2022 |
Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) 2020- |
Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) 202147 |
Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B) 2022100 |
Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) | Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) CSR commitmentsDeveloping electricity use and energy services |
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Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.1.4 |
Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) Key performance indicatorAvoided CO2 emissionsthanks to sales of innovative goods and services |
Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) ScopeGroup |
Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) UnitMt |
Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) Target> 30 by 2030 |
Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) 2020- |
Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) 20214.4* |
Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A) 202211.4 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) | Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) CSR commitmentsBiodiversity |
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Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.2.2 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) Key performance indicatorAchievement rate of “act4nature international” commitments |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) ScopeGroup |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) Unit% |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) Target100 by 2023 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) 202044 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) 202167 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity (4H) 202289 |
Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) | Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) CSR commitmentsResponsible land management |
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Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.2.2 |
Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) Key performance indicatorImplementation rate of innovative solutions encouraging multifunctional land use |
Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) ScopeGroup |
Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) Unit% |
Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) Target100 by 2026 |
Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) 2020- |
Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) 202120 |
Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4H) 202240 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) | Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) CSR commitmentsIntegrated and sustainable water management |
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Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.2.3 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) Key performance indicatorWater intensity : water consumed /electricity generated by fleet √ |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) ScopeGroup |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) Unitl/kWh |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) Target< 0.95** |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) 20200.87 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) 20210.86 |
Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4H) / risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B) 20220.83 |
Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) | Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) CSR commitmentsRadioactive and conventional waste, and circular economy |
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Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.2.4 |
Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) Key performance indicatorAnnual rate of conventional waste directed towards a waste recovery industry |
Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) ScopeGroup |
Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) Unit% |
Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) Target> 90 |
Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) 202091.9 |
Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) 202192.7 |
Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B) 202288.4 |
Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) | Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) CSR commitmentsSafety, health and security for all |
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Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.3.1 |
Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) Key performance indicatorGlobal LTIR |
Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) ScopeGroup |
Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) UnitInd |
Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) Target< 1.8 by 2023 |
Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) 20201.9 |
Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) 20212.1 |
Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C) 20221.9 |
Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) | Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) CSR commitmentsEthics, compliance and human rights |
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Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.3.2 |
Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) Key performance indicatorAnnual rate of response to whistleblowers within the one-month time limit, informing them of the admissibility of their report and the next steps of the procedure |
Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) ScopeGroup |
Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) Unit% |
Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) Target100 |
Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) 2020- |
Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) 2021- |
Ethics and compliance risk (1D) / Risk relating to the duty of care : Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A) 2022100 |
Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) | Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) CSR commitmentsEquity, diversity and inclusion |
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Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.3.3 |
Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) Key performance indicatorGender balance index: percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group’s entities |
Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) ScopeGroup |
Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) Unit% |
Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) Target33 by 2026 |
Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) 202028.7 |
Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) 202129.8 |
Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) 202230.8 |
Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) | Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) CSR commitmentsEnergy poverty and social innovation |
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Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.3.4 |
Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) Key performance indicatorAdvisory actions carried out with customers within the framework of the Energy Support Service |
Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) ScopeEDF |
Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) UnitNb |
Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) Target600,000 - 1,000,000 |
Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) 2020905,017 |
Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) 2021642,482 |
Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1A) 2022476,638 |
Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) | Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) CSR commitmentsDialogue and consultation with stakeholders |
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Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.4.1 |
Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) Key performance indicatorAnnual rate of projects for which a dialogue and consultation procedure is engaged |
Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) ScopeGroup |
Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) Unit% |
Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) Target100 |
Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) 2020- |
Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) 2021100 |
Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A) 2022100 |
Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) | Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) CSR commitmentsResponsible regional development |
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Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.4.2 |
Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) Key performance indicatorAnnual rate of procurement from SMEs in France |
Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) ScopeEDF and Enedis |
Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) Unit% |
Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) Target22 - 26 |
Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) 202023.4 |
Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) 202124.9 |
Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A) 202223.2 |
Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) | Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) CSR commitmentsDevelopment of industrial sectors |
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Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.4.3 |
Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) Key performance indicatorAchievement rate of supporting actions backed by EDF, encouraging relocation and maintaining nuclear industry skills (“France relance” programme) |
Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) ScopeEDF |
Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) Unit% |
Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) Target100 by 2023 |
Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) 2020- |
Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) 202128.6 |
Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (3C) 202271.4 |
Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) | Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) CSR commitmentsData responsible company |
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Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) Policy, actions, resultsSection 3.4.4 |
Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) Key performance indicatorAchievement rate of EDF commitments towards French Responsible Digitalization institute (INR) |
Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) ScopeEDF |
Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) Unit% |
Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) Target100 by 2024 |
Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) 2020- |
Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) 202118.8 |
Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D) 202252.5 |
*Data calculated in 2021 for EDF and Dalkia, on a smaller scope of services
**Indicator calculated on the basis of an average over the last five years
√ 2022 figures subject to reasonable assurance audit by Deloitte & Associés