Acquisition by EDF of Dalkia’s activities in France.
Signature of final contracts for Hinkley Point C EPR construction project in the UK.
Indirect sale of 49.9% of RTE to Caisse des Dépôts and CNP Assurances and capital increase of approximately €4bn.
Acquisition of 75.5% of Framatome capital.
Launch of the Solar Plan.
Commissioning of the 1st EPR of Taishan.
Rising power of offshore.
France multi-year energy programme (PPE): Project published (25 January 2019).
Launch of “excell”, an excellence plan for the nuclear industry.
Success of the first fourth ten-year inspection
of 900 MW fleet.
Commissioning of Taishan Unit 2.
Commissioning of the Sinop hydropower plant in Brazil.
EDF adopts a raison d’être in its bylaws.
Commissioning of the new Romanche-Gavet hydroelectric plant.
Filing by the French State of a simplified public tender offer (OPAS) for EDF's equity securities.
Commissioning of the first offshore wind farm in France in Saint Nazaire.
Launch of the Hydrogen Plan.
Structural changes impacting the EDF group
Development in France
International development
*EPIC: Public Industrial and Commercial Establishment.