Universal Registration Document 2022


1.2 Group presentation

1.2.1 Organisation of the Group

A simplified organisational chart for EDF group at 31 December 2022 is shown below. The percentages for each entity correspond to the ownership interest in capital. The companies or groups of companies within EDF group's scope of consolidation are indicated in note 3.3 to the consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2022. The changes in the 2022 scope are indicated in note 3.1.1 to the consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2022.

Organisation chart of the Group.

EDF has a 100 % stake in the following entities:

  • Enedis
  • EDEV
  • EDF Immo holds 100 % of La Gérance Générale Foncière and 100 % of SOFILO
  • Société C3 holds 100 % of Wagram Insurance Company, 99.9 % of Océane Re and 92.5 % of EDF Investissements Groupe
  • EDF Holding SAS holds 100 % of Groupe EDF Trading. The latter owns 17.5 % of EDF Inc.
  • EDF Pulse Holding holds 100 % of Hynamics
  • EDF International
  • EDF holds 50.1 % of CTE*
  • EDF holds 99.9 % of Dalkia
  • EDF holds 80 % of Edvance et 75.5% of Framatome. The latter owns 20 % of Edvance.

EDEV holds 100 % of the following entities:

  • EDF Renouvelables
  • Cyclife
  • Agregio
  • Energy2Market (E2M)
  • Sowee
  • IZI Solutions / IZI Solutions Renov
  • IZI Confort
  • EDEV holds 88.6 % of Électricité de Strasbourg
  • EDEV holds 45 % of Domofinance

EDF International holds 100 % of the following entities:

  • EDF Belgium which owns 68.6 % of Luminus
  • EDF Norte Fluminense/Brazil which holds 51 % of Companhia Electrica de Sinop (CES) / Brazil
  • EDF (China) Holding Ltd which owns 4 % of Taishan Nuclear Power Joint Venture/China and 49 % of Jiangxi Datang International Fuzhou Power Generation Company Ltd/China
  • EDF International holds 82.5 % of EDF Inc./United States which holds 100% of EDF Trading North America
  • EDF Energy UK/Royaume-Uni which owns 100 % of EDF Energy Holding Ltd. The latter holds 80 % of Lake Acquisitions Ltd. 67.9 % of NNB Holding Company (SZC) Ltd. and 66.5 % of NNB Holding Company Ltd. Lake Acquisitions Ltd holds 100% of EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd.
  • TDE SpA which holds 97.2 % of EDISON Group/Italy
  • EDF Gas Deutschland which holds 50 % of FS GmbH.
  • EDF International holds 19.6 % of Shandong Zhonghua Power Company Ltd/China
  • EDF International holds 35 % of Datang Sanmexia Power Company Ltd/China
  • EDF International holds 25.6 % of Taishan Nuclear Power Joint Venture/China
  • EDF International holds 56.3 % of Meco/Vietnam
  • EDF International holds 50 % of Sloe Centrale Holding BV/Netherlands

*Coentreprise de Transport d’Electricité or CTE, the company holding 100 % of RTE.

*The Group announced on 25 January 2023 that it had closed the sale of its investment in the Sloe plant.