Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities


In Italy, Edison’s Research, Development & Technological Innovation Division (RD&TI) provides medium to long-term support for strategy and, in the shorter term, informs the development of new services and offerings from Edison. Staff and laboratories are located mainly in innovation spaces in the two Italian Politecnici (Milan and Turin), thus nurturing cooperation and firmly embedding Edison RD&TI in the world of innovation and research in Italy.


The Beijing centre is an asset in terms of participating in the work of major Chinese demonstrators for smart grids, or nuclear facilities (see section “Activities in China”). In 2021, the centre actively contributed to the setting up of the electricity trading platform established by the EDF China subsidiary with a local partner, as part of the market deregulation decided by the Chinese government. The centre also operates on the field of local multi-energy projects combining electricity, biomass, and heating and cooling networks.

Singapore’s R&D centre focuses more especially on the industrialisation of microgrid solutions at competitive prices using renewable energy, which is developed and tested with its demonstrator on Semakau Island off the coast of Singapore.

It is also involved in the feasibility studies on electrical interconnections in the South-East Asia region, electrical mobility projects in Singapore and the major Descartes project led by the CNRS, with partners from Singapore, in the field of artificial intelligence.

United States

EDF group has had an R&D and Innovation centre in Silicon Valley for several years, which supports its development in the USA and contributes to innovation in the Group. This laboratory’s research areas include direct support to the subsidiary EDF Renewables North America, as well as the analysis, using a dedicated team, of technological and digital trends, market design and the assessment of new business models for the Group in the USA.

1.5.2 Intellectual property

Intellectual property plays a major role in protecting the EDF group’s technologies and know-how from competition, and in leveraging these assets through licensing agreements.

EDF is keen to strengthen its industrial property portfolio in order to make the most of its capacity for innovation and technological expertise. The portfolio is comprised of patents, registered software and formalised expertise.


At the end of 2021, EDF group’s portfolio (mainly EDF and Enedis) comprised 756 patented innovations, protected by 2,158 property titles in France and abroad.

The strengthening of the patent portfolio is a priority. The aim of this is to facilitate R&D cooperation, protect the innovations and development of EDF’s activities, contribute to EDF’s external image, boost the motivation of researchers, and provide maximum leverage for inventions.

In 2021, EDF filed 49 patent applications (1) (66 in 2020).

(1) Enedis filed three patent applications.