Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

The breakdown of CSR issues into 16 commitments
  • Ambitious carbon trajectory
  • Carbon offset solutions
  • Adapting to climate change
  • Developing electricity use and energy services
  • Biodiversity
  • Responsible land management
  • Integrated and sustainable water management
  • Waste and circular economy
  • Health and safety for all
  • Ethics, compliance and human rights
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Energy poverty and social innovation
  • Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders
  • Responsible regional development
  • Development of industrial sectors
  • Sustainable and inclusive digitalization


For the climate and environment
  • An ambition to contribute to carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Electricity output of 523.7TWh, 91% decarbonised(1) with emissions of 48g of CO2/kWh(2)
  • EDF, a water sharing player: water intensity of 0.82l/kWh(3)
  • A commitment to biodiversity
For customers
  • High customer satisfaction level
  • More than 642,000 energy advice actions for customers(4)
For partners and territories
  • SMEs account for between 22 and 26% of EDF and Enedis procurements
  • 1 direct job at EDF SA generates 4.4 on the national territory(5)
  • 100% of projects are subject to consultation(6)
For employees
  • An employee engagement index of 69%(7)
  • Women represent 29.8% in Management Committees(8)
  • An average salary equity ratio of 6,6(9)

Sales€84.5 bn

EBITDA €18.0 bn

Net income excl. Non-reccuring items
€4.7 bn

Sharing added value with our stakeholders



€52.9 bn

EDF Group Global CSR agreement

States and Territories


€4.7 bn



€14.5 bn

Shareholder Dividends

Target distribution rate(13) 45% - 50%

(1) Direct output-related CO2 emissions, excluding life-cycle analysis (LCA) of fuel and production means.

(2) CO2 emissions due to heat and electricity generation. Group scope.

(3) Water consumed / electrical production of fleet. Group scope.

(4) EDF SA scope.

(5) Goodwill study based on the 2020 consolidated figures.

(6) Projects over €50m in accordance with the Equator Principles - Group Scope.

(7) MyEDF Group internal survey.

(8) Group Scope.

(9) EDF SA scope - ratio established in accordance with the guidelines published by AFEP.

(10) Consolidated purchases and other external expenses.

(11) Consolidated taxes, including income taxes.

(12) Consolidated personnel expenses

(13) Rate applied to 2021 net income from ordinary activities adjusted for the interest on hybrid loans recognised in equity.