Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

Dalkia Biogaz

Dalkia Biogaz, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dalkia, is a company specialising in biogas generation, treatment and recovery. Dalkia Biogaz has expertise in the field of methanation. The biogas produced is used both in cogeneration and for direct injection into the natural gas distribution network.


CRAM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dalkia, located primarily in north-western France (Normandy, Picardy and Île-de-France). It provides services and designs and implements projects in the field of operations and maintenance, management and construction of heating and climate control facilities. The company has a workforce of 650 employees and manages over 7,000 installations.

Main subsidiaries of Dalkia abroad
Dalkia Polska Solutions and Dalkia Polska Energia (Poland)

Dalkia Polska Solutions, based in Poland, designs, builds and maintains technical facilities (ventilation, heating, air conditioning, fire protection, etc.) for commercial buildings and industrial sites. It also provides innovative solutions for the building’s energy performance management.

Dalkia Polska Energia is mainly specialised in the generation and distribution of heat in the region of Katowice in Poland (Upper Silesia). It has recognised expertise in the energy recovery of mine gas as an alternative to coal to be used by heating networks and electricity distribution facilities.

Dalkia Rus (Russia)

Dalkia Rus specialises in energy efficiency for industrial customers and is one of the pioneers in the energy services sector in Russia.

Imtech (United Kingdom)

Imtech, jointly owned by Dalkia and EDF Energy, specialises in major HVAC and electrical engineering works, technical facilities maintenance, and data acquisition and control systems integration. Imtech provides its services to the construction, industry and tertiary sectors, and public authorities.

Imtech is established in the United Kingdom. Its subsidiary, Suir Engineering, is established in the Scandinavian countries and Ireland. Its subsidiary, Breathe, is a specialist in energy performance in the UK.

Dalkia Energy Solutions (United States)

Based in Massachusetts, Dalkia Energy Solutions provides companies and industrial customers with a comprehensive approach to consultancy, project management and the performance of energy efficiency work, with nationwide coverage in the United States.

Aegis Energy Services (United States)

Aegis Energy Services LLC, which is based in Massachusetts, specialises in small gas cogeneration plants and facilities, which it designs, builds, commissions and maintains.

Dalkia Middle East Energy Company Limited (Middle East)

Dalkia Middle East Energy Company Limited was incorporated in 2021 and is active in the field of power plants and cooling networks, energy performance contracts and multi-technical maintenance. Citelum

The EDF group has initiated a process for the geographical and operational reorganisation of the activities of Citelum, a subsidiary dedicated to public lighting and associated services, as part of the growth of its energy services business, in particular in the field of electrical engineering.

This reorganisation is designed to meet a twofold objective of improving the quality of services provided to its public- and private-sector customers, and of developing synergies between the energy services managed by the main service subsidiaries of the Group, in particular by means of improved integration of the business activities conducted in the field of public lighting by Citelum.

Accordingly, Citelum’s business activities in France and Belgium have already been transferred respectively to Dalkia Electrotechnics, Dalkia’s new specialised subsidiary (1), and to Luminus. The Mexican business activities, on the other hand, have been sold to an investment fund.

Citelum moreover continues to enjoy significant commercial momentum. Thus, for example, Citelum, in a consortium with Eiffage, was awarded a contract by the City of Paris for public lighting and traffic light systems, as well as festive and architectural lighting. To date, this is the largest contract to date awarded in France in the area of public lighting and traffic light systems.

2022 will be an opportunity to finalise this project to consolidate electrical engineering activities within EDF group. EDF Pulse Holding
The new Innovation Division of EDF group

In 2021, EDF created a new Innovation Division called DIPP ("Direction de l’Innovation et des Programmes Pulse") that is structured around five core functions:

  • strategic framework for innovation: elaborate an annual strategic framework for innovation, applicable to the scope of EDF group (2), that identifies priority areas for innovation and key projects, as well as their associated action plans. This framework is prepared in close collaboration with R&D and EDF group’s business lines;
  • performance and development: define the Group’s key performance indicators (KPIs) for innovation and pool expertise on innovation tools and methods, in order to provide support for the Group’s business lines through the Pulse Programmes (section;
  • incubation, Ventures and Major Innovative Industrial Projects: identify and develop new growth levers for EDF group through the following three programmes:
    • the EDF Pulse Incubation programme, for the development of intrapreneurship projects,
    • the EDF Pulse Ventures programme, for investment in start-ups and in funds that are dedicated to innovation,
    • the Major Innovative Industrial Projects team whose goal is to position the Group on industrial projects that are not mature enough for the Group’s business lines but that are still strategic for the Group;
  • operations: provide HR, financial, legal, financial control, ethics & compliance, CSR and IT support services to the DIPP and to the portfolio of subsidiaries, equity interests and incubated projects.
  • communication & Marketing: provide communication support to the DIPP, as well as to all the innovative projects, to enhance the Group’s image as an innovator.

The DIPP includes the former EDF Pulse Croissance entity, whose stakes in start-ups and investment funds are now managed by EDF Pulse Holding. The development of the EDF Pulse Holding portfolio is directly linked to the activities of the EDF Pulse Incubation and EDF Pulse Ventures programmes, which are detailed below.

EDF Pulse Incubation

The EDF Pulse Incubation programme draws on the ideas and know-how of the Group’s employees to design and develop new business and services. The incubator programme offers bespoke support for employees and enlists in-house and third-party experts to test, create, and develop business models, as well as foster the professional development of intrapreneur employees.

This support helps intrapreneur employees, as well as EDF group as a whole, since it contributes to the Group’s evolution and the upskilling of its employees. Due to the close proximity of EDF Pulse Incubation’s teams to those of EDF Pulse Ventures, incubated projects benefit from an “investment-driven” vision, while continually monitoring market trends and needs.

Intrapreneurial projects may lead to the incorporation of a new EDF group subsidiary. This was the case, for example, of:

  • Hynamics, which produces and markets low-carbon hydrogen from water electrolysis using low-carbon electricity for the heavy-duty mobility and industrial markets;
  • Metroscope, which has developed digital twin software for improving the performance of industrial facilities;
  • Exaion, which provides environmentally-friendly, competitive and sovereign cloud-based blockchain and high-performance computing solutions;
  • Urbanomy, which provides both private and public sector undertakings with support for spatial planning and the energy optimisation of projects, with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality, through strategy consulting services, technical and economic studies, and visualisation solutions.

(1) See the Dalkia press release dated 25 January 2022 Dalkia lance sa filière de génie électrique (“Dalkia launches its electrical engineering subsidiary”).

(2) Excluding Enedis and RTE