Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities


Following the coup d’État on 1 February 2021, EDF announced the suspension of the Shweli 3 project in Burma, a 671MW hydroelectric dam development project on the Shweli River in northeast Burma (Shan State). Respect for fundamental human rights is a prerequisite for every project in which EDF is involved. Therefore, since the coup, the Shweli 3 consortium has decided to suspend the development of the project, including the activities of its subcontractors.

In addition, EDF has also decided to suspend its development of hybrid microgrids (solar and battery) in several remote villages in Burma.

The Group is ready to resume its activities in Burma when political and social conditions allow.


The EDF group is continuing its development strategy in Indonesia, favouring renewable energy projects and accelerating access to electricity for the country’s remotest island locations, with the development of microgrids.


Following an agreement signed in June 2013 with the Singapore Housing and Development Board, the city’s largest construction firm, with the aim of developing an innovative urban modelling tool, the EDF group, in 2014, opened a centre of excellence for sustainable cities in Asia: EDF Lab Singapore Pte. Ltd (the “Lab”).

In addition to the MASERA (Microgrid for Affordable and Sustainable Electricity in Remote Areas) micro-grid demonstrator, the Lab is also involved in two “Electricity Networks” research projects, partially funded by the Singaporean authorities:

  • “Platform for Interconnected Microgrids Operation” (PRIMO): this is a research project led by the Lab with local academic partners (NTU, SIT, TUM@CREATE);
  • “Descartes”: this is a 5-year research project led by the CNRS in conjunction with 25 university partners and 5 industrial pilots, including the Lab, in charge of the “Digital Energy” package. This project aims to develop a hybrid artificial intelligence platform to improve decision-making for critical urban systems (energy, air quality, transport, etc ).

The Lab brings its expertise in feasibility studies of electricity import projects to Singapore, as well as in the development of activities related to electric mobility.

The Group is now well-established in Singapore to better manage its interests in Southeast Asia, strengthen its synergies with the Lab, and embed itself in the development and innovation ecosystem of smart grids, electric mobility, smart cities and interconnections. The aim is to increase the share of renewable energies in traditionally high-carbon countries. Africa

The Group wishes to develop on the African continent by assisting countries with high-energy demand, on a selective basis appropriate to each geographic region, and by building sustainable and multi-industry partnerships. EDF is also intensifying its action in the supply of competitive off-grid energy.

South Africa

EDF group has had operations in South Africa since 1978 with the construction of the Koeberg nuclear power plant. EDF has also been assisting national electricity supplier ESKOM with the operation and maintenance of this power plant under a multi-year technical assistance contract, renewed in 2015. Framatome is also a major supplier to ESKOM (general maintenance and fuel). In 2014, a contract was signed to change the power plant’s steam generators: this is due to take place in 2022.

The EDF group established a subsidiary (EDF Development South Africa) in 2007 in Johannesburg, with a view to preparing the relaunching of the South African nuclear programme. The South African subsidiary is also responsible for developing EDF’s business activities in Southern Africa, particularly as regards generation projects as well as the sale of services relating to thermal and hydropower engineering, transmission and distribution. In December 2018, EDF Development South Africa purchased 30% of South African engineering company GIBB Power to support the development of its engineering activity in the Southern Africa Region.

EDF group’s renewables activities in the country began in 2011 with the acquisition of Innowind, in which the Group now has an 84% stake, allowing it to respond to renewables calls for tender issued by the South African government. Three wind power projects were won in 2012 and one in 2015, totalling 142MW (35MW of which are currently under construction). This programme of government calls for tender was frozen between 2015 and 2019.

In October 2019, the new government promulgated an Energy Master Plan for the country (Integrated Resource Plan 2019-2030). This plan provides for an additional 20GW of renewables capacity by 2030 and 3GW of gas. It also includes strategic thinking to consider the relaunch of a nuclear programme including small modular reactors (SMRs). The implementation of this master plan is underway, with the launch of a request for information for new nuclear capacity, to which EDF group responded in October 2020, and the launch of call for bids in renewable energies (RMIPPP and REIPPP Round 5).

In 2021, EDF Renewables (South Africa) was awarded several significant contracts in these government tenders. In March 2021, EDF was named preferred bidder for a 75MW hybrid wind, solar and battery project (RMIPPP programme). In October 2021, EDF was named preferred bidder for 3 wind projects totalling 420MW (REIPPP programme Round 5). In addition, EDF Renewables won a tender by the mining company Anglo American for a 100MW photovoltaic capacity to supply its Mogalakwena mine (Limpopo).

The Group is also present in South Africa via the company KES (Kukhanya Energy Services), created in 2002 (see section “Off-grid energy”).


The Group has been active in Mozambique since the end of the 1980s involving the provision of engineering services and has formed preferred partnerships with EDM (Electricidade de Moçambique).


The EDF group has been active in Morocco since the 1970s. To help support its development in the region, the Group created EDF Maroc in 1997, EDF Renouvelables Maroc in 2012 as well as EDF Fenice Maroc in 2016.

It has formed preferred partnerships with National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE) and Morrocan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN), electricity distribution authorities, and industrial players. The Group does business in the areas of renewable, thermal and hydraulic generation, as well as in networks and training.

The Group is contributing to the decarbonisation of the Moroccan energy mix. After having been selected by ONEE in a call for tenders, the consortium led by EDF Renewables in partnership with Japanese group Mitsui & Co. is developing the 150MW Taza wind farm, for which the construction of phase 1 (87MW) commenced in September 2020.

EDF Renewables, in a consortium with Masdar and Green of Africa, is also carrying out the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the first phase of the Noor Midelt solar complex following an international call for tender won in May 2019. This 800MW capacity project is an innovative hybrid power plant combining concentrated solar power and photovoltaic solar power, a world first.

EDF-R Maroc is supporting MASEN in the renewal of the Koudia al-Baida wind farm with the objective of doubling its capacity to 100MW. This project, which will start in 2022 following the signing of a memorandum of understanding in 2018, will be the first of its kind in Africa.

The Group also has operations in Morocco in energy efficiency activities through EDF Fenice Maroc, a subsidiary of Fenice Iberica (Edison). The Company is involved via a circular economy contract with a multinational group in the food industry.


The Group is also present in Senegal, through the wholly-owned company ERA, the operator of the rural electrification concession in Kaffrine-Tambacounda-Kédougou.

In an electricity sector that is undergoing new institutional changes (a new electricity code was adopted in July 2021), the question of the economic sustainability of the rural electrification concession model remains topical through issues of tariff revision. In January 2021, ERA submitted a request to the regulator for an exceptional tariff review, which is still pending.