Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

  • EDF Energiewende & Neue Ressourcen GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the EDF group with headquarters in Berlin and operations throughout Germany (1). Its business model is the supply, maintenance and supervision of energy management and optimisation products and services for commercial and industrial companies, public services and renewable energy development companies.
  • Based in Erlangen (Bavaria), Framatome Gmbh has 3,000 employees, making the subsidiary Framatome’s second largest engineering concern. Its main business is maintaining, prolonging and upgrading nuclear plants all over the world (especially Instrumentation & Control systems). It is also involved in the building of EPRs in France, Finland, China and the UK. Framatome is active in electricity and hydrogen storage in Germany. Framatome’s other German subsidiary, Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH (ANF), makes fuel assemblies for PWRs (pressurised water reactors) and BWRs (boiling water reactors) in Germany and Western Europe and has 440 employees in Lingen (head office) and Karlstein.
  • Metroscope, a subsidiary of EDF Pulse Holding develops AI for industrial asset Based in Berlin, Metroscope seeks to improve the performance of German electricity generation plants.
  • Since July 2020, Urbanomy has been deploying specific resources for its development in Germany. Urbanomy offers consultancy in urban & energy planning using virtualisation and decision support solutions.
  • EDF Trading actively participates on commodities market in Germany, especially the intraday and gas markets.

EIFER, a research centre which reports to EDF’s R&D Department, is based in Karlsruhe and has more than 100 employees. EIFER is 50% owned by EDF (2). Its work focuses on the optimisation of energy resources and decentralised generation (integration of renewables), energy in cities and local communities as well as energy conservation and the environment (electro-mobility, Power-to-Gas, Smart Cities).

    • EDF Deutschland holds a 25% stake in Hypion GmbH, a company that originates and develops hydrogen-related projects in the north of Germany.
    • Electranova Capital holds a stake of 13.4% in Sunfire, a Dresden-based company which develops high-temperature electrolysers (Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Liquids).
    • EDF Pulse Holding has a 14% stake in McPhy, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen-based energy storage equipment.
    • The Group owns 50% of a run-of-river hydropower plant located in Iffezheim on the Rhine River (148MW, 5 turbines).
    • EDF group also has storage for natural gas in salt cavities located in Etzel in Lower Saxony. The aboveground facilities are operated through a 50/50 joint venture with EnBW (see section “Gas assets and projects”). Through its subsidiary EDF Gas Deutschland, EDF also holds a 16% stake in BEP gas pipeline (Bunde-Etzel-Pipelinegesellschaft). Central and Eastern Europe

EDF group has operations in Russia in energy services through the Dalkia subsidiary Dalkia Rus and through its Moscow-based office which is in charge of the promotion and development of the Group’s business and new activities in energy transition in Russia.

Central Asia

The Group’s engineering Divisions (thermal, hydraulic, networks and systems) are active in this region to provide services.

In Uzbekistan, at end 2021, a consortium formed by EDF, Nebras (Qatar) and Sojitz (Japan) was selected by the Uzbek authorities to finance, build and operate for 25 years a 1,600MW combined-cycle gas turbine power plant at the Syrdarya site. The project benefits from a shaping contract with the state-owned NEGU (National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan), which supplies the gas and receives the electricity in return. This contract is guaranteed by the Uzbek government. Commissioning is estimated to take place during 2026. Southern Europe

At 31 December 2021, EDF International SAS held 31.48% of the share capital of Elcogas, a company owing a 320MW ICCG (Integrated Combined-Cycle Gasification) power plant, alongside Endesa Generación (40.99%), Iberdrola Generación (12.0%), and EDP (8.54%). Elcogas is currently in the process of being wound up. Due to a regulatory change affecting the profitability of the plant, it has been shut down and subsequently dismantled. Therefore, the Shareholders’ Meeting on 13 May 2019 resolved to dissolve the company and place it in liquidation.

The Group is also present on the Spanish market through Fenice’s local subsidiary, EDF Fenice Ibérica, and Citelum (see section “Citelum”).

EDF Trading operates in this market from its trading platform in London (see section “Optimisation and trading: EDF Trading”).

Framatome Spain is active in Spain through various engineering and maintenance contracts with firms that own nuclear reactors.

EDF also operates through its Madrid-based representation office EDF Peninsula Iberica, and is in charge of the promotion and development of the Group’s business and new activities in energy transition in Spain and Portugal. North America

The EDF group operates throughout the North American continent, with a strong presence in the United States.

It has more than 6GW of gross installed capacity in North America. It also manages, on behalf of third parties, around 49.2GW of installed capacity under operation and maintenance or optimisation services contracts.

EDF’s activities in North America mainly include:

  • until 6 August 2021, investments in nuclear generation, related to its 99% stake in CENG (“Constellation Energy Nuclear Group”), a joint venture with the Exelon Corporation (leading American nuclear operator) in three nuclear power plants. CENG had installed capacity of 4GW (i.e. 2GW consolidated by EDF group). Exelon was the licensed operator of these three facilities. EDF has sold its stake in CENG to Exelon;
  • renewable energies, with a gross installed and under construction capacity of 1GW, mainly located in the United States through EDF Renewables North America, a wholly-owned American subsidiary of EDF Renewables. Equally, EDF Renewables Services (a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF Renewables North America) manages close to 12.9GW in North America through operation and maintenance contracts on its own account or on behalf of third parties;
  • trading throughout the entire value chain in North American gas and electricity markets through EDF Trading North America, and the supply of energy management products in the US and Canada through EDF Energy Services (a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF Trading North America);
  • energy services, local management of energy and energy efficiency, and public lighting under the management of Dalkia and its subsidiaries Dalkia Energy Solutions (formerly Groom Energy Solutions) and Aegis Energy Services;
  • R&D and Innovation, as part of EDF Innovation Lab. Nuclear activities in the United States
Nuclear generation: Constellation Energy Nuclear Group (CENG)

EDF held a 49.99% stake in CENG until 6 August 2021. EDF obtained an option to sell its equity interest in CENG to Exelon. The put option was exercisable between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2022. On 20 November 2019, EDF initiated the put procedure by notifying Exelon of its intention to the exercise of the put option (3).

The approval of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) was required as a condition precedent to closing the transaction. FERC and the PSC approved the transaction on 30 July 2020 and 15 April 2021, respectively. On 9 August 2021 EDF announced that EDF and Exelon had entered into a settlement agreement pursuant to which Exelon purchased EDF’s equity interest in CENG for a net purchase price of $885 million (1). The transaction closed on 6 August 2021.

(1) See EDF’s Store and Forecast press release dated 7 October 2021: “Three EDF group affiliates join forces to support energy transition in Germany”.

(2) The institution is also 50% owned by Karlsruher Institut für Energie (KIT).

(3) See EDF’s press release dated 20 November 2019: “EDF notifies the exercise of its put option on its participation in CENG”.