Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

Breakdown of EBITDA

€18.0 bn

  • EDF Renewables  4.5% 
  • Other international  1.5% 
  • Italy  5.8% 
  • United Kingdom  - 0.1% 
  • Framatome  1.7  
  • Dalkia  2.1% 
  • Other activities  10.1% 
  • France - Generation and supply activities  41.1% 
  • France - Regulated activities(1)  33.3% 

2020 EBITDA: €16.2bn

(1) Regulated activities: Enedis, ÉS and island activities; Enedis, an independant EDF subsidiary as defined in the French energy code.


In billion of euros

  • 2020  69.0
  • 2021  84.5 

In billion of euros

  • 2020  - 2.7 
  • 2021  -1.5 
Net investments excluding disposal plan

€15.7 bn

  • Renewables  1.7 
  • Services  0.5 
  • Other(1)  1.2 
  • New nuclear  2.9 
  • Framatome  0.4 
  • Flamanville 3  0.3 
  • Nuclear maintenance (France, Belgium and UK) including Grand Carénage  4.4 
  • Enedis, SEI and ÉS  4.4 

(1) Mainly thermal maintenance, gas, property, central functions.

NB: Values are rounded.

Net financial debt / EBITDA
  • 2020   2.61  
  • 2021  2.39 
  • 2023  ~3  

Net financial debt amounts to €43.0bn at the end of 2021 (€42.3bn at the end of 2020).