Universal Registration Document 2021

8. Additional information

In this Universal Registration Document (the “Universal Registration Document”), unless otherwise stated, the terms “Company” and “EDF” refer to Électricité de France SA, and the terms “EDF group” and “Group” refer to EDF and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

In addition to the information contained in this Universal Registration Document, investors should carefully consider the risk factors described in chapter 2 “Risk factors and control framework”. These risks, or one of these risks, could negatively impact the Group’s business, position, financial results or outlook. Furthermore, other risks not yet identified or considered as material by the Group, could have the same negative impact, and investors could consequently lose all or part of their investment in the Company.

This Universal Registration Document also contains information relating to the markets in which the EDF group operates. This information has been taken from surveys carried out by external sources. Given the rapid changes affecting the energy sector in France and throughout the world, it is possible that this information could prove to be erroneous or no longer up-to-date on the filing date of this Document or thereafter. The Group’s activities may therefore evolve in a manner different to that described in this Document, and the declarations or information presented in this document may prove to be erroneous.

Forward-looking statements in this Document, specifically in section 1.3 “Group Strategy and objectives” and section 5.5 “Outlook”, are based on assumptions and estimates that could change or be impacted by risks, uncertainties (linked, in particular, to the economic, financial, competitive, regulatory and climatic environment) and other factors that may cause the future income, performance and achievements of the Group to differ significantly from the objectives expressed and suggested. These factors may include changes in the economic and commercial environment, in the regulations, and in the factors set forth in chapter 2 “Risk factors and control framework”.

Pursuant to French and European legislation, RTE and Enedis, which are regulated subsidiaries that are managed in accordance with the management independence rules defined by the French Energy Code, and are respectively responsible for the transmission and distribution of electricity within the EDF group, are not allowed to communicate certain information they gather while conducting their activities to other Group entities, including its Management. Similarly, certain data specific to generation and supply activities cannot be communicated to the entities responsible for transmission and distribution. This Universal Registration Document has been prepared by the EDF group in compliance with these rules. For the sake of brevity, further references in this Universal Registration Document made to RTE and Enedis will not always specify their independent nature as within the meaning of the French Energy Code.

A glossary of the main technical terms is provided at the end of this Universal Registration Document.

Photo credits: Cover: Hydraulic facilities, GEH Durance-Verdon - © EDF Chapter 1: Bugey nuclear power plant, Ain - © Conty Bruno

Chapter 2: Technician on tour with a colleague in the aero-underground station, Flammanville nuclear power plant, Manche - © Capa Pictures / Jayet Stéphanie

Chapter 3: Teeside offshore wind farm - EDF Energy Renewables - UK - © Brown graham / Chapman brown Chapter 4: EDF R&D Lab Paris-Saclay, Palaiseau - © Daste Adrien / Toma

Chapter 5: Pont de Claix workshop, Isère - © Oddoux Franck / PWP

Chapter 6: Migouelou dam, GEH Adour and Gaves, Pyrenees - © Oddoux Franck / PWP Chapter 7: Operator performing maintenance on solar panels - © only_kim - Shutterstock

Chapter 8: Technician in the gallery leading to the Montahut underground hydraulic plant, Hérault - © Taddei Jean-Marie

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