Universal Registration Document 2021

8. Additional information

  Topics Reference texts URD Sections
5.7. 5.7.Topics

Societal information (societal commitments in favour of sustainable development, subcontracting and suppliers, fair practices)

5.7.Reference texts

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, II. A. 3° of the French Commercial Code

5.7.URD Sections

Section 3.4.2

5.8. 5.8.Topics

Information relating to the fight against corruption and tax evasion

5.8.Reference texts

Articles L. 22-10-36 and R. 225-105, II. B. 1° of the French Commercial Code

5.8.URD Sections


5.9 5.9Topics

Information on human rights actions

5.9Reference texts

Articles L. 22-10-36 and R. 225-105, II. B. 2° of the French Commercial Code

5.9URD Sections

Sections 3.9 and 3.3.2

5.10. 5.10.Topics

Specific information:

5.10.Reference texts


5.10.URD Sections




  • Technological accident risk prevention policy implemented by the Company;
  • Ability of the Company to cover its civil liability with regard to property and persons as a result of the operation of such facilities;
  • Resources allocated by the Company to ensure the management of compensation for victims in the event of a technological accident for which it is liable


Reference texts

Article L. 225-102-2 of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections

Sections and

5.11. 5.11.Topics

Collective agreements concluded within the Company and their impact on the economic performance of the Company and working conditions of employees

5.11.Reference texts

Article L. 225-102-1, III and Article R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code

5.11.URD Sections

Section 3.5.3

5.12. 5.12.Topics

Attestation of the independent third party body on the information contained in the statement of non-financial performance (DPEF)

5.12.Reference texts

Articles L. 225-102-1, III. and R. 225-105-2 of the French Commercial Code

5.12.URD Sections

Section 3.8.4




Eligibility and alignment of the Group’s activities with the European Taxonomy


Reference texts



URD Sections

Section 3.8.3

✓ 2021 indicator subject to reasonable assurance check by KPMG SA.

8.4.5 Concordance table with the annual financial report

This Universal Registration Document includes the annual financial report for the 2021 fiscal year. It has been prepared in application of Articles L. 451-1-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and Article 222-3 of the AMF general regulation. The annual financial report is composed of the sections of the Universal Registration Document referred to in the following table:

Topics Sections of the Universal Registration Document
1. EDF annual financial statements

1. EDF annual financial statements

Sections of the Universal Registration Document

Section 6.3

2. EDF group consolidated financial statements

2. EDF group consolidated financial statements

Sections of the Universal Registration Document

Section 6.1

3. Management report (minimum information within the meaning of Article 222-3 of the general regulations of the AMF (French Financial Markets Authority)

3. Management report (minimum information within the meaning of Article 222-3 of the general regulations of the AMF (French Financial Markets Authority)

Sections of the Universal Registration Document

Section 8.4.2

4. Statement by the persons responsible for the annual financial report

4. Statement by the persons responsible for the annual financial report

Sections of the Universal Registration Document

Section 8.1.2

5. Statutory Auditors’ report on the EDF’s financial statements and the consolidated financial statements

5. Statutory Auditors’ report on the EDF’s financial statements and the consolidated financial statements

Sections of the Universal Registration Document

Sections 6.2 and 6.4