Universal Registration Document 2021

8. Additional information

8.4.4 Concordance table with the statement of non-financial performance

This Universal Registration Document includes the statement of non-financial performance for the 2021 fiscal year prepared in accordance with Articles L. 22-10-36 and R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code.

Thus, to the extent necessary to understand the Company’s position, the evolution of its business, its economic and financial results and the impact of its activity, the Statement of Non-Financial Performance (DPEF) presents information on how the Company and the Group take into account the social and environmental consequences of their activities, as well as the effects of these activities on respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and tax evasion.

The DPEF is hence made up of the sections of the Universal Registration Document identified in the table below:

  Topics Reference texts URD Sections


TopicsBusiness model


Reference texts

Articles L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections

Sections 1.1 and 1.4



TopicsDescription of the main risks relating to the activity of the Company or the Group, including – if relevant and proportionate – risks due to its business relationships, products or services


Reference texts


Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, I. 1 of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections


Chapter 3 and Section 2.2




Information on how the Company or Group takes into account the social and environmental consequences of its activity, and the effects of this activity in terms of respect for human rights and the fight against corruption (description of the policies applied and due diligence procedures implemented to prevent, identify and mitigate the main risks related to the Company’s or Group’s activity)


Reference texts

Articles L. 225-102-1, III., L. 22-10-36, R. 225-104 and R. 225-105, I. 1° of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections

Chapter 3




Results of the policies applied by the Company or Group, including key performance indicators


Reference texts


Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, I. 3 of the
French Commercial Code


URD Sections




TopicsCSR issue topics from the materiality matrix


Reference texts

Key performance indicators


URD Sections

Chapter 3




TopicsAmbitious carbon trajectory


Reference texts

Carbon intensity: specific CO2 emissions due to electrical generation


URD Sections

Section 3.1.1



TopicsCarbon offset solutions


Reference texts

Deployment rate of the scoping guide on carbon offset solutions


URD Sections




TopicsAdapting to climate change


Reference texts

Rate of deployment of new climate change adaptation plans


URD Sections

Section 3.1.3



TopicsDeveloping electricity use and energy services


Reference texts



emissions avoided through the sale of innovative products and services


URD Sections

Section 3.1.4





Reference texts

Achievement rate of Group commitments under the act4nature international initiative


URD Sections

Section 3.2.1



TopicsResponsible land management


Reference texts

Rate of implementation of innovative solutions for multi-use of land


URD Sections

Section 3.2.2



TopicsIntegrated and sustainable water management


Reference texts

Water intensity: water consumed/electricity generated by the fleet


URD Sections

Section 3.2.3



TopicsWaste and circular economy


Reference texts

Annual rates of conventional waste directed to recovery facilities


URD Sections

Section 3.2.4



TopicsProtecting the health and safety of all


Reference texts

Global LTIR


URD Sections

Section 3.3.1



TopicsEthics, compliance and human rights


Reference texts

Proportion of executives who have completed the anti-corruption training programme


URD Sections

Section 3.3.2



TopicsEqual opportunity, diversity and inclusion


Reference texts

Gender balance index: percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group’s entities


URD Sections

Section 3.3.3



TopicsEnergy poverty and social innovation


Reference texts

Annual advisory actions carried out with customers within the framework of the Energy Support scheme


URD Sections

Section 3.3.4



TopicsDialogue and consultation with stakeholders


Reference texts

Annual rate of projects for which a dialogue and consultation process is undertaken


URD Sections

Section 3.4.1



TopicsResponsible development of local areas


Reference texts

Annual rate of procurement from SMEs


URD Sections

Section 3.4.2



TopicsSustainable development of industrial sectors


Reference texts

Rate of implementation of support actions carried out by EDF in favour of the relocation and maintenance of skills in the nuclear industry (

Programme France Relance



URD Sections

Section 3.4.3



TopicsResponsible digital development


Reference texts

Rate of fulfilment of commitments made by EDF to the

Institut du Responsible digitalization



URD Sections

Section 3.4.4




Social information (employment, work organisation, health and safety, social relations, training, equal treatment)


Reference texts

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, II. A. 1° of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections

Sections 3.3.3,3.5.3, and




Environmental information (general environmental policy, pollution, circular economy, climate change)


Reference texts

Articles L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, II. A. 2° of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections

Sections 3.1.3,3.2.1 and 3.3.1