Universal Registration Document 2021

8. Additional information

Required topics Reference texts Chapter of the Universal Registration Document
Required topics

1.10. Research and development activities

Reference texts

Article L. 232-1-II and Article L. 233-26 of the

French Commercial Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 1.5

Required topics

1.11. Table showing the Company’s results over each of the last five fiscal years

Reference texts

Article R. 225-102 of the French Commercial


Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 6.6.1

Required topics

1.12. Information concerning supplier and customer payment periods

Reference texts

Article D. 441-4 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 6.6.3

Required topics

1.13. Amount of intercompany loans granted and statement from the Statutory Auditor

Reference texts

Articles 511-6 and R. 511-2-1-3 of the French

Monetary and Financial Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document


2. Internal control and risk management 2. Internal control and risk managementReference texts


2. Internal control and risk managementChapter of the Universal Registration Document


2.1. Description of the main risks faced by the Company

2.1. Description of the main risks faced by the Company

Reference texts

Article L. 225-100-1, I., 3° of the French Commercial Code

2.1. Description of the main risks faced by the Company

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 2.2

2.2. Information on the financial risks related to the effects of climate change and the measures that the Company is taking to reduce them by implementing a low-carbon strategy in all components of its activity

2.2. Information on the financial risks related to the effects of climate change and the measures that the Company is taking to reduce them by implementing a low-carbon strategy in all components of its activity

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-35, 1° of the French Commercial Code

2.2. Information on the financial risks related to the effects of climate change and the measures that the Company is taking to reduce them by implementing a low-carbon strategy in all components of its activity

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 2.2.3

Section 3.1
Required topics

2.3. Main characteristics of the Internal control and risk management procedures implemented by the Company and the Group relating to the preparation and processing of accounting and financial information

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-35, 2° of the French Commercial


Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 2.1

Required topics

2.4. Information on the objectives and policy regarding the hedging of each main category of transactions and on the exposure to price, credit, liquidity and treasury risks, including the use of financial instruments

Reference texts

Article L. 225-100-1, 4° of the French

Commercial Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 5.1.6

Required topics

2.5. Anti-corruptions provisions

Reference texts

“Sapin II” Act no. 2016-1691 of 9 December


Chapter of the Universal Registration Document


Required topics

2.6. Vigilance plan and reporting on its effective implementation

Reference texts

Article L. 225-102-4 of the French Commercial


Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 3.6

3. Report on Corporate governance 3. Report on Corporate governanceReference texts


3. Report on Corporate governanceChapter of the Universal Registration DocumentSee concordance table section 8.4.3
4. Share ownership and capital 4. Share ownership and capitalReference texts


4. Share ownership and capitalChapter of the Universal Registration Document


Required topics

4.1. Structure, changes in the Company’s capital and crossing of thresholds

Reference texts

Article L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 7.3

Required topics

4.2. Acquisition and disposal by the Company of its own shares

Reference texts

Article L. 225-211 of the French Commercial


Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 7.3.2

Required topics

4.3. Overview of employee share ownership on the last day of the fiscal year

Reference texts

Article L. 225-102 al. 1 of the French Commercial

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document


Required topics

(proportion of capital represented)

Reference texts


Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 7.3.8

Required topics

4.4. References to potential adjustments for the securities giving access to the share capital in the case of share repurchases or financial operations

Reference texts

Article R. 228-90 and R. 228-91 of the French

Commercial Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document


Required topics

4.5. Information on operations made on the Company’s shares by managers and related persons transactions

Reference texts

Article L. 621-18-2 of the French Monetary and

Financial Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 4.5.2

Required topics

4.6. Amount of dividend paid out over the past three fiscal years

Reference texts

Article 243 bis of the French General Tax Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document

Section 6.5.1

6. Other information 6. Other informationReference texts


6. Other informationChapter of the Universal Registration DocumentSee concordance table section 8.4.4
Required topics

6.1. Additional tax information

Reference texts

Article 223 quater and Article 223 quinquies of

the French General Tax Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document


Required topics

6.2. Injunctions or fines as a result of anti-competitive practices

Reference texts

Article L. 464-2 of the French Commercial Code

Chapter of the Universal Registration Document
