Universal Registration Document 2021

7.4 Market for the Company’s shares

7. General information about the company and its capital

7.4 Market for the Company’s shares

7.4 Market for the Company’s shares

The Company’s shares have been listed for trading by Euronext Paris (Compartment A) since 21 November 2005, under ISIN code FR 0010242511, Reuters code (EDF. PA) and Bloomberg code (EDF: FP).

The following graph shows the changes in the Company’s share price between 21 November 2005 and 31 December 2021 (base index 100 as at 21 November 2005):

This graph shows the evolution of the EDF share and the Stoss 600 utilities and CAC 40 indices since November 2005 on a 100 basis 

November 2005 : approximately 100
December 2008 : approximately 110 
December 2011 : approximately 60
December 2014 : approximately 70
December 2017 : approximately 49
December 2020 : approximately 30
December 2021 : approximately 35

 Stoxx 600 Utilities 
November 2005 : approximately 100
December 2008 : approximately 80
December 2011 : approximately 70
December 2014 : approximately 100
December 2017 : approximately 90
December 2020 : approximately 110
December 2021 : approximately 155

 CAC 40 
November 2005 : approximately 100
December 2008 : approximately 55
December 2011 : approximately 60
December 2014 : approximately 80
December 2017 : approximately 120
December 2020 : approximately 110
December 2021 : approximately 154

The following table shows the share price and volume of EDF shares traded between 1 January 2021 and 31 January 2022 on the Euronext Paris stock market:

  Transactions Closing price (in euros)
  (in number of shares) (in euros*) Highest Lowest
January 2022 150,652,129 1,343,808,338 10.66 8.14
December 2021 95,071,567 1,036,980,435 12.95 9.85
November 2021 61,381,874 775,129,238 13.06 12.17
October 2021 66,914,702 831,645,263 13.17 11.54
September 2021 57,273,643 622,007,036 11.37 10.45
August 2021 38,725,087 429,293,207 11.51 10.49
July 2021 63,130,825 693,670,796 12.11 10.27
June 2021 52,969,316 619,255,705 12.06 11.22
May 2021 60,151,151 699,525,454 12.16 11.41
April 2021 67,039,834 803,291,237 12.41 11.23
March 2021 72,191,498 774,157,277 11.44 9.74
February 2021 50,693,615 526,441,610 10.76 9.91
January 2021 73,299,933 856,149,046 13.51 10.28

* Transactions in euros correspond to the monthly sum of the proceeds of the daily number of shares traded by the closing price on the same day (Source: Euronext).