Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities 2021 Energy report

In France, the adjusted electricity consumption (1) (including Corsica) ended 2021 at 468TWh (2). This is an increase of 1.7% compared to the 2020 figure of 460TWh. This increase is attributable to the upturn in the economy after 2020, which was marked by the health crisis.

In 2021, the French balance of trade fell slightly (by 0.2%) compared to the previous year, totalling 43.1TWh (3). The export balance was still positive in 2021, except with regard to the CWE zone (4).

The quality of electricity supplied by RTE is estimated on the basis of two indicators: the equivalent outage time and outage frequency. The values of these indicators for 2021 are still provisional. Based on information available to date, the equivalent outage time is 4min 5s (the target set by the CRE is 2min 48s) and the outage frequency is 0.33 (the target set by the CRE is 0.46). Distribution – Enedis

37.7 million


1.4 million


€4,379 million






As a distribution network operator, Enedis’ main mission is to operate and develop the public electricity distribution network. Enedis guarantees the security and safety of the network, and oversees the balance of electricity flows at all times. Enedis now serves around 95% of the population in continental metropolitan France. The remaining 5% are served by Local Distribution Companies (LDCs).

In 2021, Enedis distributed electricity to more than 37.7 million customers (points of delivery). It enabled feed from more than 514,532 production sites in mainland France by means of a network of around 1.4 million kilometres. In addition to these figures, 22,108 producers have declared non-grid-feeding self-consumption installations, bringing the total number of production installations up to 536,640.

At 31 December 2021, the distribution network for which Enedis is the concession holder was made up of around:

  • 658,836 kilometres of A-type high-voltage (HVA) lines of 20,000 volts;
  • 732,881 kilometres of low-voltage (LV) lines of 400 volts;
  • 2,243 HVB/HVA source substations;
  • 801,385 HVA/LV transformer
Simplified report of energy flows

(in TWh)



Injections by decentralized producers  61.1  

Injections by RTE (1) 312.2


Losses 25.0

Deliveries 348.3




Injections by decentralized producers 62.0

Injections By RTE (1) 293.6


losses 23.3

Deliveries 332.4


(1) RTE injection volumes are presented net of backflow to the transmission network.

NB : the values ​​correspond to the expression to the first decimal of the precise values.

Electrical losses are inherent in the functioning of the distribution network. They primarily result from physical effects, which are directly dependent on the amount of electricity delivered. Enedis must compensate these losses to complete the amount of energy delivered to all the customers connected to the distribution network.

Energy purchases made to compensate losses recognised in the accounts, including restatements of prior fiscal years, amount to €1,495 million. To compensate these

losses, Enedis buys the corresponding electricity from the wholesale market, either through organised market platforms, or through calls for tender that are open to around 20 qualified suppliers. Enedis also takes part in the consultations organised by the Purchase Obligation mission, within DOAAT.

Enedis’ access to ARENH rights to cover losses is implemented, as applicable, through specific calls for tender with a panel of qualified suppliers for this product.

(1) Electricity consumption that would have been observed on the basis of reference temperatures and in the absence of 29 February for leap years.

(2) Data as at 20 January 2022, source: Electricity report.

(3) Source: RTE Electricity report.

(4) Central West Europe, including France, Germany and the Benelux countries, in which market prices have been coupled since 2010.