Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

Earning of energy savings certificates (CEE)

In addition, EDF encourages its industry, services, and local authority customers to achieve energy savings by carrying out work on industrial processes and insulating collective and tertiary premises. EDF contributes to the fulfilment of “social insecurity” goals by liaising with social landlords and renovating their housing stock. By funding CEE programmes, EDF also raises awareness of ecological transition and eco-mobility among young people.

Customer satisfaction

EDF has made customer satisfaction a key priority for many years. In a rapidly changing environment, it has undertaken major changes to significantly and constantly improve Customer Experience and the quality of service provided.

EDF implemented a customer support scheme covering every step of Customer Relations, so as to anticipate changes and expectations in terms of the supply of energy, services, information, and assistance. This policy resulted in a significant rise in overall satisfaction for all EDF customer segments since 2017. Those results were highlighted in the annual report of the French national energy mediator published in May 2021, which shows that EDF has the lowest rate of disputes, far behind its main competitors.

EDF and regional authorities, social housing landlords, local distribution companies (LDCs) and public service providers

Regarding energy transition, EDF offers customised solutions for local authorities and public institutions with decentralised decision-making powers (hospitals, universities and major graduate schools, chambers of commerce and industry, CROUS student service centres, ports and airports).

The EDF group is active for these customers in three areas:

  • the supply of electricity and gas at market price, responding to their energy problems (proposal of offers and solutions adapted to the needs described in calls for tender);
  • the development of offers and services in terms of energy transition: local climate plans, eco-districts, local generation, road lighting, electric mobility, energy efficiency of buildings, etc.;
  • in addition, with respect to its public service missions, EDF is in charge of:
    • the conclusion of concessions agreements to supply electricity at the regulated sales tariff,
    • the supply of electricity at the regulated sales tariff,
    • the fight against energy

Overall satisfaction of EDF Collectivités customers in 2021 remains high with more than 9 customers out of 10 satisfied or very satisfied.

Concerning control over energy consumptions, agreements have been signed with regional authorities. They aim to provide support to these authorities in taking specific initiatives in the fields of energy transition and renewable energies. An “Expenses amount” device for social housing landlords aims to improve the energy efficiency of social housing, and makes it possible for EDF to issue energy savings certificates. In 2020, 130,000 social housing homes received assistance for renovation works. EDF also funds Economy Savings Certificates programmes, in particular for local authorities. For sustainable cities and regions

Cities and regions have to reconcile local appeal with responsible development. EDF group addresses the needs of local development stakeholders by identifying the various energy solutions and services available in the light of projects’ technical and economic characteristics, assisting with energy transition and low-carbon strategies.

EDF has developed a range of consultancy offerings with a view to:

  • designing low-carbon neighbourhoods;
  • developing housing stock renovation strategies based on an asset strategy;
  • vehicle fleet electrification, and charging station location plans with its subsidiary IZIVIA; and
  • installing solar panels with its subsidiary EDF ENR or other

45 Development Managers are present across all regions so that EDF can better meet the needs of large cities, urban communities, medium sized cities, rural areas. Customer data protection

Specific attention is paid to the protection of EDF customers’ data, and more generally to the protection of its information assets. Its goal is, in particular, the compliance of the processing of personal data with the General Data Protection regulation (GDPR). Regular audits are carried out each year on the asset protection aspect, as well as on the information systems security aspect.

EDF curates the classification of information and documents on the basis of their degree of confidentiality and ensures commensurate security measures are implemented. All customer advisers are regularly informed and trained in this matter, so that they can respond to requests relating to personal data protection and the exercise of related rights. All Customer Division advisers are issued with laptop computers and secure remote access facilities. Surface encryption is activated on all adviser workstations. Requests by customers to exercise their rights are usually managed jointly with the Data Protection Officer (DPO).