Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

35.2 Impacts of financial instrument transactions on net income
(in millions of euros) 2021 2020
Instruments not classified as hedges Instruments not classified as hedges



Instruments not classified as hedges2020


Interest rate instruments *

Interest rate instruments *



Interest rate instruments *



Forex instruments

Forex instruments



Forex instruments



Instruments classified as hedges Instruments classified as hedges



Instruments classified as hedges2020


Interest rate instruments

Interest rate instruments



Interest rate instruments



Forex instruments

Forex instruments



Forex instruments



* Including interest on swaps.

35.3 Fair value of derivative financial instruments

The fair value of currency and interest rate swaps was calculated by discounting future cash flows using year-end market exchange and interest rates, over the remaining term of the contracts (market value includes accrued interest).

The book value of derivatives presented at nominal value in off-balance sheet commitments includes accrued interest, equalisation payments and premiums paid or received, plus translation adjustments, which are already booked in EDF’s accounts. The difference between the resulting book value and market value of these instruments is the unrealised gain or loss.

The market value of derivative financial instruments presented at nominal value in off-balance sheet commitments at 31 December 2021 as calculated by EDF is as follows:

(in millions of euros) Book value Fair value
Interest rate hedges Interest rate hedgesBook value


Interest rate hedgesFair value


Interest rate swaps

Interest rate swaps

Book value


Interest rate swaps

Fair value


Exchange rate hedges Exchange rate hedgesBook value


Exchange rate hedgesFair value


Forward exchange transactions, currency swaps and forex options

Forward exchange transactions, currency swaps and forex options

Book value


Forward exchange transactions, currency swaps and forex options

Fair value


Cross Currency Swaps

Cross Currency Swaps

Book value


Cross Currency Swaps

Fair value


Commodity hedges Commodity hedgesBook value


Commodity hedgesFair value


Oil products

Oil products

Book value


Oil products

Fair value


TOTAL TOTALBook value1,206 TOTALFair value4,598

Note 36 Other off-balance sheet commitments and operations

At 31 December 2021, off-balance sheet commitments related to operations, financing and investments (other than electricity supply commitments and partnership agreements) comprise the following:

(in millions of euros) < 1 year 1 à 5 years 5 à 10 years > 10 years 31/12/2021 31/12/2020
Off-balance sheet commitments given 19,038 18,298 10,061 8,332 55,729 53,255
Operating commitments 11,578 13,785 9,566 6,921 41,850 36,784
Fuel and energy purchase commitments 7,711 10,598 8,369 6,758 33,436 27,083
Other operating commitments 3,867 3,187 1,197 163 8,414 9,701
Investment commitments 2,890 3,192 385 36 6,503 6,626
Financing commitments 4,570 1,321 110 1,375 7,376 9,845
Off-balance sheet commitments received 2,498 11,680 331 648 15,157 13,330
Operating commitments 1,193 873 331 248 2,645 2,848
Investment commitments 5 68 - - 73 -
Financing commitments 1,300 10,739 - 400 12,439 10,482