Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

Other information

Note 35 Financial instruments

35.1 Off-balance sheet commitments related to currency and interest rate derivatives

EDF uses financial instruments to limit the impact of foreign exchange rate risks and interest rate risks.

  31/12/2021 31/12/2020
(in millions of euros) To be received
To be given
To be given
To be given
1- Interest rate transactions        
Short-term interest rate swaps        
EUR - - - -
Long-term interest rate swaps        
EUR 9,323 9,323 10,385 10,385
USD 3,576 3,576 3,300 3,300
GBP 4,481 4,481 3,854 3,854
Sub-total 17,380 17,380 17,539 17,539
2- Exchange rate transactions        
Forward transactions and forex options        
EUR 40,593 33,057 32,688 24,353
CAD 136 374 435 574
USD 23,312 24,617 16,671 20,643
GBP 9,354 14 199 6 138 8 903
CHF 142 404 192 361
ILS 440 554 354 405
PLN 213 253 137 177
JPY 123 741 79 835
CNY 1,075 797 102 102
MXN 105 105 102 101
Other currencies 921 1,016 637 740
Long-term currency swaps        
EUR 3,821 35,196 4,247 33,880
JPY 1,051 61 1,083 63
USD 17,118 1,812 15,807 1,709
GBP 17,505 2,334 15,120 2,557
CHF 532 - 509 -
ILS 90 90 86 86
PLN 12 21 14 14
NOK 100 - 96 -
MXN - - - 10
HKD 274 - 254 -
Sub-total 116,917 115,631 94,751 95,513
3- Securitisation swaps - - 62 62
4- Operations on marketable securities - - - -
Purchases and sales of stock options        
5- Commodity swaps        
Oil products (in thousands of barrels) 7,168 7,168 6,218 6,218

The amounts shown in the above table are the nominal values of contracts originally in euros or translated into euros or using 2021 year-end exchange rates (regardless of whether they are classified as hedges).