Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

Note 31 Provisions for other expenses

    Increases Decreases Other 31/12/2021
(in millions of euros) 31/12/2020 Operating Exceptional Utilisations Reversals
Provisions for:              
  • personnel expenses
69 24 - (55) (2) - 36
  • replacement of assets operated under concessions
270 10 - - - 1 281
  • other expenses
1,187 237 360 (2) (663) (1) (14) - 1,107
PROVISIONS FOR OTHER EXPENSES 1,526 271 360 (718) (16) 1 1,424

(1)  Including €459 million reversed from provisions for tax litigations following the decision of 17 June 2021 cancelling the court decision of 11 December 2020 (see note 14).

(2) The exceptional increase at 31 December 2021 concerns ongoing litigation proceedings.

Note 32 Liabilities

EDF has changed the balance sheet presentation of margin call positions on derivatives with all banking partners to improve clarity. This change is applied prospectively in 2021. Instead of reporting a net position in the balance sheet as previously, the Company now presents separate positions that reflect EDF’s debit and credit balances with each of its banking partners. At 31 December 2021, the “cash instruments” item includes an amount of €2,691 million of credit balances relating to margin calls on derivatives (see note (4) below the table). Debit balances relating to margin calls on derivatives are included in “cash instruments” in the balance sheet assets in the amount of €36 million (see note 20 (3)).

  Maturity Gross value at 31/12/2021 Gross value at 31/12/2020
(in millions of euros) < 1 year 1 - 5 years > 5 years
Bonds 2,826 10,983 33,763 47,572 47,346
Borrowings from financial institutions 149 844 398 1,391 1,340
Other borrowings 6,804 6 2 6,812 3,118
Other financial liabilities:          
  • advances on consumption
- 5 21 26 26
  • other
1,696 1 - 1,697 1,025
Financial liabilities (see note 33) 11,475 11,839 34,184 57,498 52,855
Advances and progress payments received (1) 7,499 - - 7,499 7,188
Trade payables and related accounts (2) 10,946 - 50 10,996 7,970
Tax and social security liabilities (3) 8,630 - - 8,630 8,110
Liabilities related to fixed assets and related accounts 2,070 - - 2,070 1,938
Other liabilities (4) 17,945 674 - 18,619 16,655
Operating, investment and other liabilities 39,591 674 50 40,315 34,673
Cash instruments (5) 3,306 266 667 4,239 5,075
Deferred income (6) 507 1,024 1,544 3,075 3,202
TOTAL LIABILITIES 62,378 13,803 36,445 112,626 102,993

(1) Advances and progress payments received principally include monthly standing order payments by EDF’s residential and business customers, amounting to €7,071 million at 31 December 2021 (€6,782 million at 31 December 2020).

(2) The increase in 2021 mainly concerns liabilities to EDF Trading, in a context of rising prices.

(3) In 2021 this item includes an amount of €1,457 million for the CSPE that is collected by EDF on energy supplied but not yet billed (€1,448 million in 2020).

(4) Mainly the amount of current accounts, underwriting and cash pooling agreements with subsidiaries. At 31 December 2021, other liabilities also include a liability of €294 million relating to the CSPE compensation, in contrast to the receivable of €1,974 million at 31 December 2020 (see note 20 (2)).

(5) Cash instruments notably include unrealised losses on foreign exchange instruments, and all credit balances for EDF’s margin calls on derivatives with banking partners (€2,691 million at 31 December 2021, compared to a net credit balance of €2,345 million reported at 31 December 2020).

(6) Deferred income at 31 December 2021 comprises the partner advances made to EDF under nuclear plant financing plans and the associated long-term contracts, amounting to €1,746 million (€1,713 million in 2020). Deferred income on long-term contracts also includes the advance paid to EDF in 2010 under the agreement with the Exeltium consortium. This advance is transferred to the income statement progressively on a straight-line basis over the term of the contract.
Deferred income also includes the initial payment under the Fessenheim compensation protocol received on 14 December 2020, which will be transferred to the income statement as and when the expenses are incurred (see note 5).