Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

The cumulative disbursements of nuclear expenses (based on gross values at year-end economic conditions) are distributed as follows:

  Costs based on year-end economic conditions
Provisions related to nuclear generation within the scope of the Law of 28 June 2006 (in millions of euros) Disbursement expected within 10 years Disbursement expected after 10 years* Total
Spent fuel management 7,846 8,275 16,121
  • amount unrelated to the operating cycle
540 2,742 3,282
Long-term radioactive waste management 5,116 31,663 36,779
Back-end nuclear cycle expenses 12,962 39,938 52,900
Decommissioning of nuclear plants in operation 347 20,132 20,479
Decommissioning of shut-down nuclear plants 2,903 4,815 7,718
Last cores 262 4,087 4,349
Decommissioning and last core expenses 3,512 29,034 32,546

*Over a 20-year and 50-year horizon, 20% and 41% respectively of cumulative disbursements (at year-end economic conditions) will concern long-term radioactive waste management provisions, and 32% and 96% respectively will concern decommissioning provisions.

This approach can be complemented by estimating the impact of a change in the discount rate on the discounted value.

The following table reports these details for the main components of EDF’s provisions for the back-end of the nuclear cycle, decommissioning of nuclear plants and last cores:

  Amounts in provisions at present value Sensitivity to discount rate
  31/12/2021 Balance sheet provisions Pre-tax net income
(in millions of euros) + 0.10% - 0.10% + 0.10% -0.10%
Back-end nuclear cycle expenses:          
  • spent fuel management
11,819 (120) 124 102 (107)
  • long-term radioactive waste management
14,233 (472) 504 385 (413)
Decommissioning and last core expenses:          
  • decommissioning of nuclear plants in operation
12,680 (291) 299 - -
  • decommissioning of shut-down nuclear plants
5,050 (88) 91 88 (91)
  • last cores
2,660 (54) 55 - -
TOTAL 46,442 (1,025) 1,073 575 (611)
Amount covered by dedicated assets 34,276 (917) 963 515 (548)

Note 29 Other provisions for decommissioning

Other provisions for decommissioning principally concern fossil-fired power plants.

The costs of decommissioning fossil-fired power plants are calculated using regularly updated studies based on estimated future costs, measured by reference to the charges recorded on past operations and the most recent estimates for plants still in operation.

The provision recorded at 31 December 2021 reflects the most recent known cost estimates and includes rehabilitation costs for generation sites.