Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

Launched by EDF in 2019, the local services platform IZI by EDF emerged as a player in energy renovation and electric mobility. In addition to the offers developed in 2019 (emergency repairs, minor works, indoor renovations, and boiler maintenance), IZI by EDF now has a turnkey energy renovation offer focusing on heating solutions (heat pumps and boilers), insulation, ventilation, and window installation (including calculation and deduction of all regulatory aid from the customer quote). It assists its customers by providing a dedicated contact person for the entire process, a strong commitment to quality and financing solutions.

IZI by EDF also offers a full-service solution to transition to electric mobility, including the installation of a home charging station, green electricity supply with Vert Électrique Auto, the pass mobilité (operated by IZIVIA) mobility pass to recharge anywhere in Europe, and electric   vehicle   leasing   (see   also section “Other service activities of the EDF group” – “IZI by EDF”).

As part of the Coup de Pouce Chauffage(1) scheme, EDF launched in January 2019 the “Mon chauffage durable” offer, to finance replacing ageing heating systems by more efficient ones. This offer goes further than the state scheme, offering a complementary bonus.

In May 2020, EDF launched “Check”, a smartphone-based removals assistant. Check is a web-based app that provides users with a personalised checklist to ensure nothing is forgotten, facilitating hassle-free removals, and offering advice for a successful house move. Customers who take out an energy contract with EDF also have access to special offers negotiated with leading partners in the removals business, household appliances, decoration, and building works.

Lastly, EDF is investing in open innovation with EDF Pulse & You, a digital collaborative platform for co-construction with internet users and startups. In particular, the platform allows connected objects to be co-built, application interfaces to be improved, and social acceptability of soft mobility to be accelerated.

In order to widen access to crowdfunding, in 2021 EDF set up an internet portal that is dedicated to crowdfunding for energy transition, which is supported by the Group and accessible from the EDF Pulse & You platform, in partnership with accredited crowdfunding organisations.

Earning of energy savings certificates (CEE)
Regulatory notice

The Energy Savings Certificates system (CEE), which was introduced in 2006, was updated on 1 January 2022 with the implementation of the fifth period of the system, after a fourth period (2018-2021), which targeted a total obligation of 2,133TWhp.

The fifth period of the CEE (which will run from 2022 to 2025) increases the efficiency of the system (through a sharp decrease in subsidies, checks on operations before filing an application, emphasis on the comprehensive renovation of housing, and enhancement of the national CEE programmes), and improves the system for the benefit of households with severe energy poverty (through an increase in the poverty requirement, restricting the scope to households with severe energy poverty and increasing the poverty penalty to €20/MWhp), while imposing additional obligations on the suppliers of carbon-intensive energies. The national obligation is set at 2,500TWhp for the period, of which 730TWhp is a “poverty” obligation; the latter has increased significantly compared to the figure for the fourth period.

EDF is of necessity an actor in energy savings certificate legislation, and encourages residential customers to make energy savings, particularly by promoting home energy renovation through its Energy Savings Partners and distributor networks.

All residential customers who made energy efficiency alterations to their home qualify for a direct cash bonus from EDF by visiting www.prime-energie.edf.fr(2).

Solidarity policy

Solidarity is a core value of EDF which has been pursuing a policy dedicated to economically disadvantaged customers for close on 30 years. Accordingly, at the end of 2021 EDF undertook to assist its residential customers with unpaid bills by deciding not to cut off their electricity at any time during the year. With this measure, EDF goes beyond its regulatory obligations outside of the winter truce period (3) by replacing cut-offs with a power restriction of 1kVA. See section 3.3.4 “Energy poverty and social innovation”. Business customers

EDF is firmly rooted in local territories and is committed alongside its Business and Local Authority customers to hastening the achievement of their aims in sustainable performance, competitiveness and lower carbon intensity, in conjunction with national objective of carbon neutrality.

EDF’s offers

EDF proposes various ranges of electricity and gas supply offers, as well as offers of services. These are designed to support business and professional customers, in particular in their efforts to reduce carbon intensity.

For small businesses and professionals, EDF provides straightforward contracts combined with management services, whilst optimising their energy supply. For those customers using more energy, contracts can be personalised (with specific durations and fixed or indexed prices) based on their expectations and budget forecasting capabilities. In addition, EDF provides support to customers with the highest consumption levels by means of personalised offers and rewards for customers that can shed load.

EDF structures its products to encourage its customers to optimise consumption according to generation costs by offering different prices for peak hours and off- peak hours and even summer and winter prices for heavier users during these times of year. For its business customers, EDF also offers an innovative offer for professionals with low prices during evenings after 8pm, at weekends, and on public holidays, using the potential offered by smart meters.

EDF has an enhanced range of solutions and services for all electricity and gas customers, and for large and small businesses. These take the form, for example, of online consultation of consumptions, paperless bills, breakdown assistance and advice (optimisation of the contract power, energy audits and advice, assistance with implementing ISO 50001 certification, etc.). These offers are aimed in particular at customers who wish to commit to an energy management system. In addition, EDF offers electrical engineering services, in order to ensure the safety of its customers’ interior electrical installations.

EDF has put into place offers dedicated to very large customers. These offers make it possible to assist them in their objectives of reducing carbon intensity through control over their energy consumptions and their CO2 emissions.

EDF also works with its Business and Local Authority customers as they seek to engage in energy transition:

  • EDF offers all its customers across all its products the possibility of choosing an option which provides guarantees that the equivalent of 100% of their consumption will come from electricity generated from renewable energy It facilitates their communication with their own customers regarding their commitment to energy transition;
  • with its subsidiary Agregio, EDF also develops PPA-type (Power Purchase Agreement) solutions for its major customers using facilities that generate renewable-origin electricity;
  • optimised solar power solutions for self-consumption of electricity may be offered based on their needs, together with a range of related services, including financing, maintenance, supervision, and performance monitoring, in liaison with its subsidiary EDF ENR. EDF also has new offers for its self- consuming customers to complement their electricity supply tailored to their profile, whereby they can maximise their savings from self-generation and, where necessary, manage their EDF is also innovating by experimenting with services and technical systems aimed to facilitate the organisation and management of collective self-consumption operations;
  • EDF also supports its Business and Local Authority customers’ electric mobility projects, in the form of advice about the dimensioning of installations and through the sale and rental of electric charging stations and related services, via its subsidiary IZIVIA. EDF has also concluded partnerships with automotive leaders and manufacturers.

(1) The initiative was launched on 14 January 2019.

(2) Subject to meeting the strict requirements of the applicable rules on CEE and provided that supporting documents were submitted.

(3) During the winter truce period, from 1 November to 31 March, electricity suppliers cannot cut off the supply of electricity to a primary residence due to unpaid bills (Article L. 115-3 of the French Social Action and Families Code and Decree no. 2014-274 of 27 February 2014, which amended Decree no. 2008-780 of 13 August 2008).