Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities Regulated electricity sales tariff contracts
Access to regulated electricity tariffs

For details of the changes to the legal and regulatory framework and 2021 tariff changes for regulated electricity sales tariffs in France (“TRV” or “blue tariffs”), see notes 5.1.1 and 23 in consolidated financial statements in section 6.1.

Since the Energy-Climate Law entered into force in 2010, the situation for electricity, by category of customer, is as follows:

  • residential and non-residential final consumers who have subscribed power for their site(s) exceeding 36kVA: since 1 January 2016 these sites can no longer subscribe to regulated sales tariff products which were cancelled on 31 December 2015;
  • residential end consumers, including sole proprietors and co-owners’ associations of a single residential building, who have subscribed power for their site(s) not exceeding 36 kVA: these customers benefit from regulated sales tariffs. They can freely switch back and forth between regulated tariffs and market offers;
  • for non-residential end consumers with subscribed power levels of 36kVA roles, only consumers with fewer than 10 employees and a turnover, total revenue, or balance sheet of less than €2 million will still be able to benefit from regulated sales tariffs after 31 December 2020. Consumers that do not fall into this category will lose the benefit of regulated tariffs on 31 December 2020, following the process described by the law;
  • residential and non-residential final consumers for their site(s) located in areas not connected to the continental metropolitan network: these customers have the right to regulated sales tariffs.
Regulatory notice
“Blue tariffs” tariff changes

In accordance with Articles L. 337-4 of the French Energy Code, the CRE has been responsible for notifying the Ministers for the Economy and for Energy of its justified proposals for regulated electricity sales tariffs (TRV). If no objections are made within three months, the proposals are deemed to have been approved. Electricity supply contracts

In France, residential and non-residential customers (1) with subscribed power levels of less than 36kVA are entitled to regulated sales tariffs, and may also choose a market offer put forward by any supplier, including EDF.

With the exception of customers directly connected to the transmission network, who must sign separate supply and delivery contracts, all other customers may enter into a single contract with the supplier. In this regard, a commission is paid by the distributor to any supplier offering a single contract to its customers since in doing so, it provides customer management services on behalf of the distributor.

The quality of supply, which is the distributor’s responsibility, is monitored on a regular basis under contracts with the distributors. EDF monitors the impact of outages and the quality of supply to its customers and their satisfaction with the aim of working with the distributor on a continuous improvement basis. Activities of the Customer Division

EDF’s Customer Division brings together all business relating to the sale of electricity, gas, and related services in mainland metropolitan France. It also performs all customer management functions, including the management of customer requests via all channels (telephone, email, etc.), complaints handling, invoicing, and debt recovery. The activity spans all customer segments: residential consumers, professionals, companies, and local authorities. For larger customers (industry and service sectors), energy services are mainly marketed and provided by Dalkia, a subsidiary of EDF.

The Customer Division operates on the basis of recognised fundamentals:

  • constantly seeking to further strengthen consumer confidence;
  • local presence in the form of 6,200 customer advisers, all based in France, and its 8 Regional Commercial Divisions;
  • permanent innovation in digital technology, electric mobility, self-consumption solutions, and electricity flexibility.

In 2021, EDF became the first energy company to obtain Relation Client France certification, which was set up by the Association Française de la Relation Client (AFRC) and the Association Pro France. This certification recognises French companies that choose to locate all of their customer service in France and that are committed to providing jobs for local communities through initiatives in the field of local integration, training and inclusivity. Activity by customer category Residential customers

EDF is innovating on a daily basis, and makes residential customer satisfaction priority. Approximately 9 out of 10 customers are satisfied with their relationship with EDF following telephone contact. The annual report of the French national energy mediator published in May 2021 shows that EDF has the lowest rate of disputes, far behind its main competitors. The customer experience offered is both digital (customer space, chat, web call back, mobile application, digital solutions, social media, etc.) and human thanks to its agents which are all located in France.

Energy supply

EDF supplies electricity at the regulated sales tariff (TRV) and offers a comprehensive range of market offers in electricity. In 2021, EDF’s market offering comprises the “Mes Jours Zen”, “Mes Jours Zen Plus”, “Vert électrique”, “Vert Électrique Weekend”, “Vert Électrique Auto”, “Vert Électrique Régional” and “Digiwatt” options. The “Digiwatt” offer was however suspended in December 2021 in response to rising energy prices. In 2021, the “Vert Électrique Régional” offer welcomed two new regions, the Pays de la Loire and Occitanie, in addition to Brittany. This offer also obtained the ADEME VertVolt Choix Engagé label.

EDF offers a wide range of market offers in gas. “Avantage Gaz” offers a fixed price per kWh (before VAT) for a period of four years. Over and above the characteristics of the “Avantage Gaz” offer, “Avantage Gaz Durable” offers carbon off setting based on the customer’s estimated gas use. “Avantage Gaz Connecté” gives customers the possibility of managing their heating remotely with the purchase of a connected thermostat. Since 2020, the “Avantage Gaz Optimisé” offer, which is intended for customers who prefer to retain a reference to the price of the regulated tariff for the sale of gas, has extended this range. This offer is indexed at 2% below the price per kWh before VAT of the regulated gas tariff.

Features and services

In parallel with its supply offers, EDF assists its residential customers so that they can monitor and understand their energy use. The aim is to encourage them to make energy savings using the “Mes Éco et Moi” digital solutions (2). Customers who consult their energy use tracking tool more than 2-3 times a month can achieve savings of up to 12% on their bills (3).

EDF, in partnership with AXA, offers a comprehensive range of support services, called Solution Dépannage Confiance with three rapid repair options.

In collaboration with Axa, EDF also offers bill payment insurance. This service was repositioned and enriched in 2021 with the “Assurénergie+” policy. In the event of hospitalisation, sick leave, loss of employment, disability, accident or illness, the customer receives an indemnity equal to the estimated monthly amount of the energy bills, for up to one year. Assistance with their day-to-day tasks may also be proposed to them, depending on their situation.

(1) Eligibility conditions defined in the 29 January 2020 decision on regulated electricity sales tariffs applicable to non-residential consumers in continental metropolitan France.

(2) Available via the website customer space and the “EDF and Me” application.

(3) Internal survey, EDF R&D.