Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

18.6 Financial loans and receivables related to investments
  Liquidity Gross value at  31/12/2021 Gross value at 31/12/2020
(in millions of euros) < 1 year (1) 1-5 years (2) > 5 years
Receivables related to investments 2 - 49 51 51
Loans to subsidiaries and other financial assets (3) 9,262 12,647 1 920 23,829 16,422

(1) Including €3.11 billion of loans to EDF International, €2.94 billion to EDF Trading and €1.88 billion to EDF Renewables, corresponding to maturities of drawings on credit lines.

(2) Including €9.94 billion of loans to EDF International and €1 billion to EDF Renewables, corresponding to maturities of drawings on credit lines.

(3) The changes are principally explained by loans to subsidiaries in 2021: €2.9 billion to EDF Trading, €2.2 billion to EDF International, €1.1 billion to Enedis and €0.8 billion to EDF Renewables.

Note 19 Inventories and work-in-progress

  31/12/2021 31/12/2020
(in millions of euros) Gross value Provisions Net value Gross value Provisions Net value
Nuclear fuel 8,471 (39) 8,432 8,322 (33) 8,289
Other raw materials 126 - 126 265 (32) 233
Other supplies 2,000 (250) 1,750 1,963 (236) 1,727
Work-in-progress and other inventories * 645 - 645 292 - 292
TOTAL INVENTORIES 11,242 (289) 10,953 10,842 (301) 10,541

* The increase in the inventory of Work-in-progress and other inventories is mainly attributable to the stock of Energy Savings Certificates at 31 December 2021

Note 20 Other current assets and cash

  Liquidity Gross value at 31/12/2021 Gross value at 31/12/2020
(in millions of euros) < 1 year 1-5 years >5 years
Advances on orders 353 134 232 719 723
  • Trade receivables:
Amounts billed 2,532 - - 2,532 2,389
Unbilled receivables (1) 16,816 - - 16,816 13,684
  • Other operating receivables (2)
4,566 64 220 4,850 6,515
Total operating receivables 23,914 64 220 24,198 22,588
Cash instruments (3) 892 823 814 2,529 1,814
Cash and cash equivalents (4) 8,397 - - 8,397 5,364
Prepaid expenses 305 224 486 1,015 987
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 33,861 1,245 1,752 36,858 31,476

(1) The increase mainly concerns receivables on EDF Trading in a context of rising prices, and receivables for energy supplied and not billed

(2) Including €3,464 million of receivables on the State related to taxes other than income taxes. In 2020, other operating receivables included a €1,974 million receivable in compensation for public energy service charges (CSPE), compared to a €294 million liability in 2021 (see note 32 (4)).

(3) Unrealised gains on foreign exchange instruments, and on all debit balances relating to EDF’s margin calls on derivatives with its banking partners (€36 million at 31 December 2021), which had no equivalent in 2020, when a net credit balance of €2,345 million was reported in the balance sheet liabilities (see note 32 (5)).

(4) The change in cash and cash equivalents mainly results from €2,822 million of negotiable debt instruments issued, net of redemptions, and €874 million resulting from the transfer of bonds to several banks under repurchase agreements, recognised via financial liabilities (see note 33 (2))