The amount of the provision takes into account the present value of the fund assets that cover these benefits, which is deducted from the benefit obligations.
Any actuarial gain or loss on post-employment benefit obligations in excess of 10% (the “corridor”) of the obligations or fund assets, whichever is the highest, is recognised in the income statement progressively over the average residual working life of the Company’s employees.
For other long-term benefits, actuarial gains and losses and the full past service cost are directly included in the provision, without application of the “corridor” rule.
The net expense booked during the year for employee benefit obligations includes:
Since the financing reform for the IEG sector system took effect on 1 January 2005, the CNIEG (Caisse nationale des IEG, the sector’s specific pension body) has managed not only the special IEG pension system, but also the industrial accident, invalidity and death insurance system for the sector.
The CNIEG is a social security body governed by private law, formed by the Law of 9 August 2004. It has legal entity status and reports to the French government, operating under the joint supervision of France’s Ministers for the Budget, Social Security and Energy.
Under the funding arrangements introduced by the Law, EDF establishes pension provisions to cover entitlements not funded by France’s standard systems (CNAV, AGIRC-ARRCO), to which the IEG system is affiliated, or by the CTA (Contribution tarifaire d’acheminement) levy on gas and electricity transmission and distribution services.
As a result of this funding mechanism, any change (whether favourable or unfavourable to employees) in the standard French pension system that is not passed on to the IEG pension system is likely to cause a variation in the amount of the provisions recorded by EDF to cover its obligations.
The benefits covered by pension provisions include:
CNIEG management expenses payable by EDF for the administration and payment of retired employees’ pensions are also included.
In addition to pensions, other benefits are granted to IEG status former employees (not currently in active service), as detailed below:
These benefits concern employees currently in service, and include:
EDF uses derivatives in order to minimise the impact of foreign exchange risks and interest rate risks.
These derivatives comprise interest rate and currency derivatives such as futures, forwards, swaps and options traded on the over-the-counter market.
The application at 1 January 2017 of ANC regulation 2015-05 concerning forward financial instruments and hedging operations led to recognition of unrealised gains on the foreign exchange optimisation portfolio, and the unrealised gain or loss on currency derivatives classified as hedging instruments, in the balance sheet, in the revaluation surplus accounts created by the regulation. These accounts are netted with the unrealised foreign exchange gains or losses booked in respect of the hedged items.
Hedging derivatives correct the foreign exchange result or interest income on the corresponding asset or liability. If the foreign exchange risk is fully hedged, no provision is recorded. If it is only partly hedged, a provision is recorded for the entire unhedged portion of the unrealised loss.
For other instruments, when there is no hedging relationship, a provision is recorded for unrealised losses and unrealised gains are not recognised.
Instruments in the portfolio at the year-end are included in off-balance sheet commitments at the nominal value of the contracts.
Forward financial instruments on commodities are traded for hedging purposes. Gains and losses on these operations are included in sales or in the cost of energy purchases, symmetrically to the hedged items, in accordance with ANC regulation 2015-05 concerning forward financial instruments and hedging operations, which has been applicable since 1 January 2017.
Instruments in the portfolio at the year-end are included in off-balance sheet commitments at the quantities to be delivered or to be received under the contracts.