These liabilities comprise:
Following the changes made to the accounting treatment of hydropower concessions at 1 January 2009, the 1959 revaluation reserve is transferred to equity when the assets concerned are retired.
The net revaluation reserve generated by the 1976 revaluation is taken to income over the residual useful life of the assets concerned.
The value of assets remitted for nil consideration and contributions received is transferred to the income statement over the assets’ useful lives.
EDF recognises provisions when it has a present obligation (legal or constructive) arising from a past event, an outflow of resources will probably be required to settle the obligation, and the obligation amount can be estimated reliably.
If it is anticipated that all or part of the expenses covered by a provision will be reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognised under receivables if and only if EDF is virtually certain of receiving it.
Provisions are determined based on the Company’s expectation of the cost necessary to settle the obligation. Estimates are based on management data from the information system, assumptions adopted by the Company, and if necessary experience of similar transactions or operations, or based on independent expert reports or contractor quotes. The various assumptions are reviewed for each closing of the accounts.
Decommissioning provisions for power plants in operation are associated with fixed assets.
The discount effect generated at each closing to reflect the passage of time is recorded in financial expenses.
Changes in provisions resulting from a change in discount rates, a change in the disbursement schedule or a change in cost estimate are recorded:
Provisions related to nuclear generation mainly cover the following:
Obligations can vary noticeably depending on each country’s legislation and regulations, and the technologies and industrial scenarios involved.
Detailed information on the principles for determining provisions related to nuclear generation is given in note 28.
These provisions mainly cover:
losses on energy sale agreements are measured by comparing the estimated income under the contractual terms with the cost of the energy to be supplied,
In extremely rare cases, specific litigation covered by a provision may be unmentioned in the notes to the financial statements if such disclosure could cause serious prejudice to the Company.
In accordance with the statutory regulations for companies in France’s electricity and gas sector (IEG), EDF’s employees are entitled to post-employment benefits (pension plans, retirement indemnities, etc.) and other long-term benefits (e.g. long-service awards).
EDF recognises post-employment benefits granted to personnel as provisions.
Obligations under defined-benefit plans are calculated by the projected unit credit method, which determines the present value of entitlements earned by employees at year-end to post-employment benefits and long-term benefits, taking into consideration the prospects for wage increases and the country’s specific economic conditions.
Post-employment benefit obligations are valued mainly using the following methods and assumptions: