Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

Balance sheet

    31/12/2021 31/12/2020
(in millions of euros) Notes Gross values Amortisation, depreciation and impairment Net values Net values
Intangible assets 16-17 3,066 1,834 1,232 1,103
Property, plant and equipment owned by EDF 16-17 94,675 63,714 30,961 30,782
Property, plant and equipment operated under concessions 16-17 16,029 9,343 6,686 6,623
Tangible and intangible assets in progress 16-17 22,242 89 22,153 21,556
Investments and related receivables   60,974 709 60,265 59,345
Investment securities   25,403 258 25,145 24,393
Loans and other financial assets   23,829 146 23,683 16,282
Financial assets 18 110,206 1,113 109,093 100,020
TOTAL I FIXED ASSETS   246,218 76,093 170,125 160,084
Inventories and work-in-progress 19 11,242 289 10,953 10,541
Advances on orders 20 719 3 716 719
Trade and other receivables 20 24,198 382 23,816 22,113
Marketable securities 21 10,605 20 10,585 13,061
Cash instruments 20 2,529 - 2,529 1,814
Cash and cash equivalents 20-22 8,397 - 8,397 5,364
Prepaid expenses 20 1,015 - 1,015 987
TOTAL II CURRENT ASSETS   58,705 694 58,011 54,599
Deferred charges (III)   226 - 226 242
Bond redemption premiums (IV)   684 321 363 318
Unrealised foreign exchange losses (V) 23 1,324 - 1,324 872
TOTAL ASSETS (I + II + III + IV + V)   307,157 77,108 230,049 216,115