Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

Note 24 Statutory Auditors’ fees

The following table sets forth the fees paid for work done by the Statutory Auditors and their network during 2021:

  Deloitte network KPMG network
(in thousands of euros) Amount (excluding taxes) % Amount (excluding taxes) %
Audit - Statutory audit, certification, review of company and consolidated accounts        
EDF 2,840 27.9 2,942 15.9
Controlled entities (1) 5,033 49.4 14,276 77.3
Sub-total 7,873 77.2 17,218 93.2
Non-audit services (2)        
EDF 832 8.2 520 2.8
Controlled entities (1) 1,493 14.6 735 4.0
Sub-total 2,325 22.8 1,255 6.8
TOTAL 10,198 100 18,473 100

(1) Fully consolidated subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities whose auditors’ fees are included in the consolidated income statement.

(2) Services required by laws and regulations, and services supplied at the request of the Group. Non-audit services mainly correspond to (i) certifications of financial and accounting information or Independent Reports on social, environmental and societal information required under Article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code,(ii) services relating to disposals of entities, (iii) tax services authorised by local legislation, and (iv) operating process reviews and information system consulting services that are unrelated to the production of accounting and financial information.

Statutory Auditors’ fees for 2020

The following table sets forth the fees paid for work done by the Statutory Auditors and their network during 2020:

  Deloitte network KPMG network
(in thousands of euros) Amount (excluding taxes) % Amount (excluding taxes) %
Audit - Statutory audit, certification, review of company and consolidated accounts        
EDF 2,794 24.6 2,945 16.2
Controlled entities (1) 4,560 (3) 40.1 13,503 74.2
Sub-total 7,354 64.7 16,448 90.4
Non-audit services (2)        
EDF 561 4.9 953 5.2
Controlled entities (1) 3,448 30.4 804 4.4
Sub-total 4,009 35.3 1,757 9.6
TOTAL 11,363 100 18,205 100

(1) Fully consolidated subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities whose auditors’ fees are included in the consolidated income statement.

(2) Services required by laws and regulations, and services supplied at the request of the Group. Non-audit services mainly correspond to (i) certifications of financial and accounting information or Independent Reports on social, environmental and societal information required under Article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code,(ii) services relating to disposals of entities, (iii) tax services authorised by local legislation, and (iv) operating process reviews and information system consulting services that are unrelated to the production of accounting and financial information.

(3) The decrease results from a transfer between audit firms with no impact on the overall level of fees to the Group’s auditors, and a change of statutory auditor for a Tgnificant French entity in the Group, which is now audited by the Group’s statutory auditors and another audit firm.