Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

With operations in over 20 countries, EDF Renewables is one of the benchmark players in the development and production of electricity from renewable energy sources, in particular in its main historic locations of North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico) and Europe, mainly in France and the United Kingdom. EDF Renewables has also rebalanced its business in geographical terms, increasing its presence in other countries with high potential for the development of renewable energy, including South Africa, Brazil, China, India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Egypt.

EDF Renewables is an integrated operator in renewable energies and is involved in every stage of the value chain. EDF Renewables operate upstream, in project development, as well as in engineering during the construction of power plants and their operation and maintenance. EDF Renewables develop projects on its own or in partnerships, as appropriate. At year-end 2021, its portfolio comprised 73% of wind power, 26% of solar power and 1% of storage, and it had embarked on its technological rebalancing initiative by accelerating its development in solar power.

As part of its business model, the Group is also involved in the Development and Sale of Structured Assets (an activity referred to as “DSSA”), which consists of selling projects it has built, in whole or in part, to third-party investors. With regard to DSSA, the net capacity sold in 2021 amounted to 896 MW. Fleet
(in MW) At 31/12/2021 At 31/12/2020
  Gross (1) Net (2) Gross (1) Net (2)
South Africa 145 73 111 56
Germany 175 173 175 173
Belgium (3) 325 27 325 27
Brazil 571 480 329 238
Canada 560 506 560 506
Chile 175 88 115 58
China 905 380 617 216
Denmark 0 0 6 6
United States 4 016 2,943 3,618 2,803
France 1 808 1,637 1,695 1 528
Greece 264 238 264 238
India 364 262 269 177
Italy 0 0 40 25
Mexico 324 162 324 162
Portugal 0 0 546 149
UK (4) 603 167 603 187
Turquie 0 0 559 280
Saudi Arabia 416 212 0 0
Poland 68 68 0 0
Total wind power (5) 10,719 7,416 10,157 6,828
Solar power        
Brazil 399 199 399 199
Canada 61 42 61 42
Chile 261 131 261 131
China 128 123 117 113
Egypt 165 65 149 65
United Arab Emirates 1,065 170 1,065 170
United States 1,005 741 534 380
France 378 320 278 219
Greece 32 30 12 12
India 657 325 207 100
Israel 427 323 324 220
Mexico 120 120 120 120
Turkey 0 0 36 18
United Kingdom 5 2 0 0
Total Solar power (5) 4,703 2,591 3,563 1,790
United States 55 55 20 20
United Kingdom 100 51 49 25
Total Storage (5) 155 106 69 45
TOTAL (5) 15 577 10 113 13 788 8 663

(1) Gross capacity: total capacity of the facilities in which EDF Renewables has a stake.

(2) Net capacity: capacity corresponding to EDF Renewables’ stake.

(3) MW in offshore wind exclusively.

(4) EDF Renewables owns 51% of EDF Renewables UK (the other 49% is owned by EDF Energy), see section “United Kingdom”.

(5) Corresponds to the sum of the exact values rounded to one decimal place.

In 2021, the electricity production of EDF Renewables’ fully consolidated fleet across all segments and countries was 24.7TWh. The load factor reached at end 2021 31% onshore wind power generation and 19% in solar power generation.