Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

At 31 December 2020
  Notional amount to be received at 31/12/2020 Notional amount to be given at 31/12/2020 Fair value
(in millions of euros < 1 year 1-5 years > 5 years Total < 1 year 1-5 years > 5 years Total 31/12/2020
Forward exchange transactions 1,480 91 - 1,571 1,473 91 - 1,564 (1)
Swaps 20,394 6,891 16,368 4,653 20,090 6,933 17,152 44,175 (745)
Options 355 - - 355 326 - - 326 13
CURRENCY DERIVATIVES – HEDGING 22,229 6,982 16,368 45,579 21,889 7,024 17,152 46,065 (733)
Forward transactions 3,389 6,490 - 9,879 3,380 6,491 - 9,871 4
Swaps 14,576 5,180 275 20,031 14,606 5,162 255 20,023 -
Options 10 - - 10 11 - - 11 -
CURRENCY DERIVATIVES – TRADING 17,975 11,670 275 29,920 17,997 11,653 255 29,905 4

The notional value of cross-currency swaps shown in this note is also included in the note on interest rate derivatives (see note 18.7.2).

18.7.Commodity derivatives

The Group is exposed to price variations on the wholesale markets for energy (electricity, gas, coal, oil products) and the CO2 emissions quota market with a potentially significant impact on the financial statements

The Group hedges its forecast sales and purchases of electricity, gas, and coal using futures, forwards, options and swaps, essentially through cash flow hedges.

Details of commodity derivatives used for hedging are as follows:

    31/12/2021   31/12/2020
    Net notional      
(in millions of euros) Units of measure < 1 year 1-5 years > 5 years Total Fair value Net notional Fair value
Electricity TWh (22) (9) - (31) (3,808) (25) 35
Gas Millions of therms 738 205 - 943 (925) 2,131 102
Oil products Thousands of barrels 4,763 9,334 - 14, 097 166 9,610 18
CO2 Thousands of tonnes 3 147 4,077 - 7, 224 333 7,925 76
Coal Millions of tonnes - - - - - (1) -
COMMODITY DERIVATIVES – HEDGING           (4,234) 231  

The negative fair value of commodity derivatives used for hedging at 31 December 2021 (€4.2 billion) is mainly explained by the wider contractual market price/ exercise price spread on electricity hedging instruments, and to a lesser extent on gas hedging instruments, due to the rise in commodity prices in 2021, particularly at the end of the year.

These factors also explain the difference in the fair value between 2021 and 2020, essentially concerning hedges undertaken for the France – Generation and Supply, United Kingdom and Italy segments.

Details of commodity derivatives used for trading are as follows:

    31/12/2021 31/12/2020
(in millions of euros) Units of measure Net notional Fair value Net notional Fair value
Electricity TWh (111) (1,719) (174) (380)
Gas Millions of therms 47,423 630 (6,803) 310
Oil products Thousands of barrels 6,812 17 24,301 58
CO2 Thousands of tonnes (7,880) (628) 3,355 (55)
Coal and freight Millions of tonnes - (48) 1 (7)
Other commodities   - (146) - 8

These instruments mainly include contracts included in EDF Trading’s portfolio