Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

16.1.2    Actuarial assumptions and sensitivity analyses

The following actuarial assumptions are used:

  France United Kingdom
(in %) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 31/12/2021 31/12/2020
Discount rate/rate of return on assets (1) 1.30% 0.90% 1.90% 1.45%
Inflation rate 1.70% 1.20% 2.95% 2.53%
Wage increase rate (2) 2.80% 2.30% 2.70% 2.37%

(1) The interest income generated by assets is calculated using the discount rate. The difference between this interest income and the return on assets is recorded in equity.

(2) Average wage increase rate, including inflation and projected over a full career.

In France, the discount rate used for employee benefit obligations is determined by applying the yield rate on high-quality corporate bonds of appropriate duration to maturities corresponding to the future disbursements resulting from these obligations. For longer durations, the calculation also takes into consideration data from a wider selection of corporate bonds adjusted for comparability with the high-quality bonds, given the smaller panel of bonds with these durations since 2017. The increase in the discount rate essentially relates to the increase in risk-free rates observed in 2021.

Changes in the economic and market parameters used have led the Group to set the nominal discount rate at 1.30% at 31 December 2021 (0.90% at 31 December 2020).

The inflation assumption is based on an inflation curve constructed from economic forecasts and inflation-indexed market products.

As a result of changes in the economic and market parameters, the assumed average inflation rate used as the Group’s benchmark for Euro zone countries is 1.70% at 31 December 2020 (1.2% at 31 December 2020).

The wage law used to calculate obligations refers to wage increases observed over the period 2015-2018 (adjusted for non-recurring effects), which are comparable to the wage increases observed in the last two years.

The mortality table used to calculate obligations is based on the INSEE 2013-2070 generation table (produced by the French statistics office), corrected for differences in mortality between the general French population and the population covered by the IEG regime.

In the United Kingdom, the discount rate used for employee benefit obligations is determined by applying the yield rate on high-quality corporate bonds of appropriate duration to maturities corresponding to the future disbursements resulting from these obligations.

Sensitivity analyses on the amount of the obligations are as follows:

(in millions of euros) France United Kingdom
Impact of a 25bp increase or decrease in the discount rate (1,785)/1,939 (545)/614
Impact of a 25bp increase or decrease in the inflation rate 1,826/(1,691) 552/(492)
Impact of a 25bp increase or decrease in the wage increase rate 1,844/(1,721) n.a.

n.a. : not applicable.

16.1.3 Breakdown by geographical area of post-employment and other long-term employee
(in millions of euros) France United Kingdom Other Total
Current service cost (793) (223) (25) (1,041)
Past service cost - 35 - 35
Actuarial gains and losses – other long-term benefits (123) - (6) (129)
Net expenses recorded as operating expenses (916) (188) (31) (1,135)
Interest expense (discount effect) (321) (168) (9) (498)
Return on fund assets 119 196 4 319
Net interest expense included in financial result (202) 28 (5) (179)
Actuarial gains and losses – post-employment benefits (110) 356 (7) 239
Actuarial gains and losses on fund assets 287 859 22 1,168
Actuarial gains and losses 177 1,215 15 1,407
Translation adjustments - 123 - 123