Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

15.2.1 Regulatory and contractual framework

Amendments signed with the Nuclear Liabilities Fund (NLF – an independent trust set up by the UK Government as part of the restructuring of British Energy) following the EDF group’s acquisition of British Energy had a limited impact on the contractual financing commitments made to British Energy by the UK Secretary of State and the NLF under the “Restructuring Agreements”. These agreements were entered into by British Energy on 14 January 2005 as part of the restructuring led by the UK Government in order to stabilise British Energy’s financial position. These agreements were amended and restated on 5 January 2009 as part of the acquisition of the British Energy Generation Limited by the Group. British Energy Generation Limited changed its name to EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited on 1 July 2011 and replaced British Energy in these agreements and amendments.

Under the terms of the Restructuring Agreements:

  • the NLF agreed to fund, to the extent of its assets: (i) qualifying contingent and/or latent nuclear liabilities (including liabilities for management of spent fuel from the Sizewell B power station); and (ii) qualifying decommissioning costs for EDF Energy’s existing nuclear power stations;
  • the Secretary of State agreed to fund: (i) qualifying contingent and/or latent nuclear liabilities (including liabilities for the management of spent fuel from the Sizewell B power station) and qualifying decommissioning costs related to EDF Energy’s existing nuclear power stations, to the extent that they exceed the assets of the NLF; and (ii) subject to a cap of £2,185 million (in December 2002 monetary values, adjusted accordingly), qualifying known existing liabilities for EDF Energy’s spent fuel (including liabilities for management of spent fuel from plants other than Sizewell B loaded in reactors prior to 15 January 2005);
  • EDF Energy is responsible for funding certain excluded or disqualified liabilities (g. those defined as EDF Energy liabilities), and additional liabilities which could be created as a result of failure by EDF Energy to meet minimum performance standards under applicable law. The obligations of EDF Energy to the NLF and the Secretary of State are guaranteed by the assets of the principal members of EDF Energy.

EDF Energy also made commitments to pay:

  • annual decommissioning contributions for a period limited to the useful life of the plants as at the date of the “restructuring agreements”; the corresponding provision amounts to €101 million at 31 December 2021;
  • £150,000 (indexed to inflation) per tonne of uranium loaded in the Sizewell B reactor after the date of the “restructuring agreements”.

Furthermore, EDF Energy entered into a separate contract with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) for management of AGR spent fuel and associated radioactive waste resulting from operation of power plants other than Sizewell B after 15 January 2005, and bears no responsibility for this fuel and waste once it is transferred to the processing site at Sellafield. The corresponding costs of £150,000 (indexed to inflation) per tonne of loaded uranium – plus a rebate or surcharge dependent on market electricity price and electricity generated in the year – are included in inventories.

On 23 June 2021 EDF and the UK government signed an update to the Restructuring Agreements. The changes and clarifications to the Agreements confirm the recovery of qualifying costs and stipulate that once the AGR stations have finished defueling under EDF Energy responsibility, they will transfer to the NDA which will be responsible for subsequent decommissioning activities. These amended agreements have no consequences in the Group financial statements at 31 December 2021.

In addition, in early 2020 EDF Energy carried out phase 1 of the Decommissioning Plan Submission (DPS 20) which was an update to the defueling liability. This phase of the DPS 20 was approved by the NDA in June 2021.

In November 2021, EDF Energy submitted Integrated Plan (IP) 22 to the Non Nuclear Liabilities Assurance team (NLA) which updated the defueling cost estimates submitted in 2020. This was approved in December 2021.

In February 2022, EDF Energy will submit phase 2 of the Decommissioning plan submission (DPS 21) to the NLA. The DPS 21 will include updates for all the other decommissioning activities for the AGR plants, decommissioning of Sizewell B and an update to the Uncontracted Liability Discharge Plan (UCLDP).

15.2.2 Provisions for the back-end of the nuclear cycle

Spent fuel from the Sizewell B PWR (pressurised water reactor) plant is stored on site. Spent fuel from the AGR plants is transferred to Sellafield for storage and reprocessing.

EDF Energy’s provisions for the back-end of the nuclear cycle concern obligations for reprocessing and storage of spent fuel and long-term storage of radioactive waste, required by the existing regulations in the UK approved by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). Their amount is based on contractual agreements or if this is not possible, on the most recent technical estimates.

  31/12/2021 31/12/2020
(in millions of euros) Costs based on year-end economic conditions* Amounts in provisions at present value Costs based on year-end economic conditions* Amounts in provisions at present value
Spent fuel management 2,725 1,401 2,318 1,286
Waste removal and conditioning 2,154 639 1,875 546
Long-term radioactive waste management 5,126 1,415 3,724 1,106
BACK-END NUCLEAR CYCLE EXPENSES 10,005 3,455 7,917 2,938

*The costs based on year-end economic conditions include spent fuel and associated waste management over the operating life of the reactors (including future load fuel for Sizewell B only); the provisions are based on the fuel committed to date.

15.2.3 Provisions for nuclear plant decommissioning

Provisions for decommissioning of nuclear plants cover the full cost of decommissioning and are measured on the basis of existing techniques and methods that are most likely to be used for application of current regulations.

As explained above, the Restructuring Agreements updated in June 2021 provide that once the AGR power plants have finished defueling that they will transfer to the NDA for subsequent decommissioning activities.

The signature of these agreements has no immediate accounting consequences for decommissioning provisions or the receivable representing reimbursements to be made by the NLF and the UK government. Nuclear decommissioning liabilities and the associated assets will be derecognised during the agreement’s operational implementation phase.

In early 2020, EDF Energy submitted phase 1 of the decommissioning plan submission (DPS 20) which was an update to the defueling liability. This led to a €1.9 billion increase in the provision at 31 December 2019, notably reflecting i) the extension of the defueling period following risk and contingency modelling, ii) better definition of the costs covered, and iii) an updated estimate of the costs of preparing and removing fuel, following a review of the industrial scenario. This phase of the DPS 20 was approved by the NDA in June 2021.