Universal Registration Document 2021

6. Financial statements

The cumulative disbursements of nuclear expenses (based on gross values at year-end economic conditions) are distributed as follows:

Provisions related to nuclear generation within the scope of the Law of 28 June 2006 31/12/2021
  Costs based on year-end economic conditions
(in millions of euros) Disbursement expected within 10 years Disbursement expected after 10 years* Total
Spent fuel management 7,846 8,275 16,121
amount unrelated to the operating cycle 540 2,742 3,282
Long-term radioactive waste management 5,116 31,663 36,779
Decommissioning of nuclear plants in operation 347 20,132 20,479
Decommissioning of shut-down nuclear plants 2,903 4,815 7,718
Last cores 262 4,087 4,349

*Over a 20-year and 50-year horizon, 20% and 41% respectively of cumulative disbursements (at year-end economic conditions) will concern long-term radioactive waste management provisions, and 32% and 96% respectively will concern decommissioning provisions.

This approach can be complemented by estimating the impact of a change in the discount rate on the present value.

The following table reports these details for the main components of EDF’s provisions for the back-end of the nuclear cycle, decommissioning of nuclear plants and last cores:

At 31 December 2021
  Amounts in provisions at present value Sensitivity to discount rate
  Balance sheet provisions Pre-tax net income
(in millions of euros) + 0.10% - 0.10% + 0.10% - 0.10%
Spent fuel management 11,819 (120) 124 102 (107)
Long-term radioactive waste management 14,233 (472) 504 385 (413)
Decommissioning of nuclear plants in operation 12,680 (291) 299 - -
Decommissioning of shut-down nuclear plants 5,050 (88) 91 88 (91)
Last cores 2,660 (54) 55 - -
TOTAL 46,442 (1,025) 1,073 575 (611)
Amount covered by dedicated assets 34,276 (917) 963 515 (548)
15.1.2 EDF’s dedicated assets Regulations

Articles L. 594-1 and following of France’s Environment Code and their implementing regulations require assets (dedicated assets) to be set aside for secure financing of nuclear plant decommissioning expenses and long term storage expenses for radioactive waste. These regulations govern the way dedicated assets are built up, and the management and governance of the funds themselves. Dedicated assets are clearly identified and managed separately from the Company’s other financial assets and investments. They are also subject to specific monitoring and control by the Board of Directors and the administrative authorities.

The law requires the realisable value of dedicated assets to be higher than the value of the provisions corresponding to the present value of the long term nuclear expenses defined in France’s Environment Code.

The Decree of 1 July 2020 codified the regulatory obligations concerning dedicated assets in articles D. 594-1 and following of the Environment Code, complemented by the ministerial order of 21 March 2007 amended by the order of 1 July 2020. These documents define the list of eligible assets, which is largely based on France’s Insurance Code and mainly includes unlisted assets. In particular, they authorise allocation to dedicated assets of the shares of CTE, which has held 100% of the capital of RTE since 31 December 2017 (see note below).

EDF received ministerial authorisation on 31 May 2018 to increase the portion of unlisted assets in its dedicated assets from 10% to 15% subject to conditions (this does not apply to the shares of CTE or real estate assets).

Since the decree of 1 July 2020, EDF is no longer obliged to add to dedicated assets when the coverage rate of obligations, determined by the ratio of the assets’ realisable value to the amount of the provisions concerned, is above 100%, and withdrawals from assets are not authorised unless that rate is above 120%. The decree also increased the maximum period for allocating funds to dedicated assets in the event of undercoverage, subject to authorisation by the administrative authority, to 5 years (instead of 3 years previously).